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Enough is Enough! Mass Action to Protect Beeliar Wetlands

Join the Conservation Council of WA, Rethink the Link, and Save Beeliar Wetlands on North Lake Road in Coolbellup, to call on our Government to halt work on Roe 8.

To show that we are a diverse community, please wear your work attire and bring a small sign that says: “I am a (occupation) and I say #NoRoe8”

The Beeliar Wetlands are one of the last parts of a globally significant biodiversity hotspot, with Aboriginal heritage values more ancient than the pyramids. All this would be destroyed by the Roe 8 toll road - an unnecessary and unwanted $1.9 billion project with no business case and no purpose.

We simply cannot allow our own government to ignore the safeguards that are there to protect us. To let this happen would be to set a dangerous precedent that would risk our health, our environment, and our future.

Want to donate too? You can do it here!

January 12, 2017 at 6:00am - 10am
Beeliar Wetlands Protectors Camp
Tait Place
Coolbellup, WA 6163
Google map and directions

Will you come?