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Friends of Yellagonga Regional Park Workday



Come and join the Friends of Yellagonga Regional Park for a weeding and planting day in this beautiful Regional Park. Meet new people and learn about native Australian plants and planting techniques. A morning tea will be provided at approximately 11:15am.

Where: Car park at end of Kingsway Road in Yellagonga Regional Park (eastern side of Lake Goollelal).  Kingsway Road now crosses Wanneroo Road and continues west - terminating in a car park right in Yellagonga Regional Park.    

Bring: Sturdy shoes, gloves, and a favourite weeding tool. 

More info: Contact Heather 0423 347 003 or Kevin 0403 991 372


May 13, 2017 at 9:00am - 12pm
Yellagonga Regional Park
Kingsway Road
Wanneroo, WA 6065
Google map and directions