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Opening soon | Perth Airport Community Boost Program | Up to $1,000


Twice a year, the Perth Airport Community Boost program invites charities and not-for-profit groups, located in close proximity to Perth Airport, to apply for a grant of up to $1,000. 

Schools, charities and not-for-profit groups in the following areas are eligible to apply for a Community Boost grant:

  • City of Bayswater
  • City of Belmont
  • City of Canning 
  • City of Gosnells
  • City of Swan
  • Shire of Kalamunda
  • Shire of Mundaring 
  • Town of Bassendean 
  • Town of Victoria Park

All applications must also align with at least one of Perth Airport’s key areas of support which include:

  • Youth – education, skills attainment, self-development and high achievement.
  • Community – activities such as arts and cultural events that benefit a significant number of members in the communities in which Perth Airport operates.
  • Environment – projects that engage local community groups or schools and seek to maintain, enhance and protect local environments in which Perth Airport operates, including community-based conservation and rehabilitation programs.
  • Indigenous – projects that preserve and celebrate the culture of indigenous groups with a focus on the Noongar people connected to airport land 
  • Tourism – activities that build and promote tourism to the communities in which Perth Airport operates.
  • Sport – Projects or events run by groups within the communities that surround Perth Airport.

Perth Airport's Community Boost Program is currently closed. The next round of Community Boost will be in March 2025. 

Find out more

Applications opening soon.