This walk will focus on connecting and caring for one of the largest intact woodland ecosystems on earth. (
We will start our walk on the historic Holland track, and venture deep into the heart of the Salmon Gum and salt lake country. It is planned to connect with the traditional owners of the area, the Ngadju people at our second campsite, as well as hear from reps from conservation groups campaigning for the Woodlands as part of the Gondwana Link program.
(Itinerary subject to modification)
Tuesday 29 Sept to Thursday 8th October 2015
Day 1
Tuesday 29 Sept 2015
Departing from Fremantle Railway Station car park at 7am. Please bring your own lunch, water & snacks for the day. Travel past Hyden to camp site at Emu Rocks on the Holland Track. To get to campsite travel about 43km east of Hyden on Hyden Norseman Road. Before State Vermin Fence, turn right down Bushfire Rock Road for 11km then left into Marble Rocks Road for 1km and then left into Holland Track and follow signs about 4km to Great Walk Camp.
More info and registration: