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Pages tagged "bunbury"

Friends of the Earth Southwest WA

Friends of the Earth Southwest WA (FoESWA) defends the environment and champions a healthy and just world.

Based in the Bunbury region FoESWA is part of Friends of the Earth Australia and FoE International, FoESWA's programmes are local, Climate Change/ Sustainablity, Clean Food, Nuclear, Biodiversity, Youth with a Voice, Education and Events.

[email protected]

Bunbury Bushwalking Club Inc

"Our Club was formed in 1986 to encourage a fit, healthy lifestyle for members whilst walking and enjoying the great outdoors. Our guided walks take us through coastal and forest environments in both private bushland and National Parks.


  • We have 1 club activity / month /annum
  • Our Day Walks range from 10 -17 kms
  • Our Car camps and Back Packs are over several days duration
  • Car pooling is generally available from Bunbury City to the walk location
  • We are Risk insured
  • All our Walk Leaders are experienced guides
  • We welcome all visitors including family groups

Listing on Bushwalking WA website:

Email: [email protected]

Facebook page: