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Pages tagged "bushland"

Urban Bushland Council WA

The Urban Bushland Council is the peak community organisation for urban bushland recognition and protection and is an association of more than 70 community conservation groups concerned about urban bushland.

The Council is a voluntary, non-government organisation which works tirelessly with its member Groups to protect the remaining environmental heritage of the greater Perth, Peel, and Busselton regions, in areas influenced by urbanisation.

Friends of Wireless Hill

The Friends of Wireless Hill Park is a community group dedicated to conserving and protecting the bushland of Wireless Hill Park. The group was established in 1987. The Friends group aims to revegetate and rehabilitate the bushland and maintain its biodiversity values.

The Friends work with other groups including the City of Melville and the Wildflower Society of Western Australia to enhance the Park for visitors, for example through the development of a signposted wildflower walk and through guided walks for the community, held in spring.

Report graffiti or other vandalism
To report graffiti or other vandalism at the park please contact the City of Melville on: 1800 626 119
Report damage or illegal dumping
To report damage or illegal dumping at the park please contact the City of Melville’s Environmental Officer on 9364 0283
Report fires
To report a fire in the Park, please call the Fire and Emergency Services Authority on ‘000’.
Enquiries about park permits and use of park facilities
To make enquiries about booking Park facilities please contact the City of Melville’s “Bookings and Events Officer” by email on: [email protected]
Enquiries about the Wireless Hill Telecommunications Museum
The Museum is open by appointment; to book in for a tour of the site and the museum, please call the City of Melville on 9364 0155.
Other useful contacts:
Security (City of Melville) ph: 1300 653 643
Ranger (City of Melville) ph: 9364 0628 office hours
ph: 0418 943 219 after hours

Friends of Wireless Hill
If you would like information about the Friends of Wireless Hill, volunteering with the Friends of Wireless Hill, or general information about native flora and fauna in the Park please contact one of our volunteers:

Margaret Matthews, Convenor (volunteer)
Phone: 0402 105 649
Email: [email protected]

Kate Creed, Secretary (volunteer)
Phone: (08) 9316 8109
Email: [email protected]

Friends of Underwood Avenue Bushland

Underwood Avenue Bushland is the 32 hectare Bush Forever site 119 of magnificent bushland which lies between Bold Park and Kings Park. It is bordered by Underwood Avenue on the north side and Selby Street, Shenton Park,on the east side. It is a Banksia/Jarrah woodland with mighty tuart trees mainly on the ridge.

The Friends of Underwood Avenue Bushland was formed in 1998 to protect the bushland, and together with the wider community has worked to stop the inappropriate and horrible development for housing since then.

The bushland is significant, regionally and nationally. It is also significant as a linkage between Bold Park and Kings Park, with Shenton Bushland lying to the south. The linkage was identified officially in the Tingay Greening Plan of 1998 as Greenway 19. The chain of bushland connectivity is so important.

In 1904, 614 acres (258 hectares) of land, which included what is now known as Underwood Avenue Bushland, was vested to the trustees of the University of Western Australia Endowment by the government of the day. The trustees were required to pay five shillings and one peppercorn of yearly rent on 25th day of March in each year. Around that time the University trustees were endowed with 1400 hectares of land.
The Universities Legislation Amendment Bill 2000, assented to on 7.12.2000 by state parliament, allowed universities to sell land for development and to use the funds for investment rather than as previously, having to reinvest in land or buildings.

The University of Western Australia has been seeking approval for a housing development in the bushland since 1998. The varying proposals have been put to the Environmental Protection Authority and to the federal government under the EPBC Act.

Underwood Avenue Bushland was one of the last places of refuge of Nyungah people in the western suburbs in the settlement of Perth. The Macintyre Dobson Report on an Ethnographic, Ethnohistorical, Archaeological and Indigenous Environmental Survey of the Underwood Avenue Bushland Project Area, Shenton Park, prepared for the UWA by Consulting Anthropologists Macintyre Dobson and Associates Pty Ltd and Consulting Archaeologist Thomas O‟Reilly, June 2002, is fascinating work. This report details recollections by Nyungar people on h ow they and their ancestors related to Underwood Avenue Bushland. Nyungar people lived there in camps and used the bushland as a refuge right up until the 1950s.

By saving the bushland for Carnaby‟s Cockatoo, all the other creatures, plants, micro-invertebrates and fungi have a chance to survive into the future.

[email protected]

Friends of Star Swamp Bushland

Star Swamp Bushland is a 96 hectare conservation reserve 15 km north of Perth, Western Australia. The Reserve is a declared Bush Forever site [no. 204] and comprising a 4 hectare seasonal freshwater lake with paperbark trees and 92 hectares of Banksia, Tuart, Jarrah and Marri woodlands, and areas of low heath.

The bushland provides a breeding site and sanctuary for both waterbirds and other bushland bird species and over 65 species of birds have been recorded. It is also an important habitat for many species of reptiles, insects, and spiders.
The main flowering period is between August and October, but there are some flowers to be found at any time of the year. Over a dozen species of orchids occur in the bushland and several hundred flora species have been listed.
Star Swamp Bushland is an A-Class reserve, vested in, and managed on behalf of the community, by the City of Stirling. The Reserve has been set aside for the purposes of conservation, passive recreation and education.

Star Swamp is a remnant of the once extensive chain of wetland lakes and swamps which filled low-lying areas between ancient sand dunes. From the mid 19th Century, the area comprising the Star Swamp Bushland Reserve was part of a dairy and cattle lease. Early in 1868, J H Okely of Wanneroo, applied for Tillage Lease 5063, a 100 acre block which included Star Swamp. The origins of the naming of the swamp are unclear.

The area was used as a camping area and watering place for drovers using the Coastal Stock Route and, during the Second World War, a squadron from the Australian Army 10th Light Horse Division was stationed nearby on coastal watch duties, using the swamp for watering the horses.
In the early 1900s, the area west of Star Swamp was sub-divided for housing development, gradually expanding to be a popular seaside holiday destination. More recently the area surrounding the Reserve has been absorbed by the rapid growth of Perth’s northern suburbs.

In the 1970s, local residents waged a strong campaign of community action to prevent the area from being developed for housing. This eight year campaign was supported by local politicians, academics and environmentalists and resulted in the gazettal, in 1985, of the Star Swamp Bushland as an A-Class Reserve.

The Reserve has many good walking trails and the 1.4 km sign-posted Star Swamp Heritage Trail highlights historic points of interest. The Henderson Environmental Centre opened in 2002, giving local groups, teachers and environmentalists a focal point for activities within the Reserve.

Secretary phone:
Christine: 94472983

[email protected]

Friends of Korella Park Bushland

In late 1995, earth moving equipment moved in to clear coastal shrublands on Korella street reserve. However, the Friends of Korella Bushland gained the support of the city of Joondalup for one oval to be constructed and the remaining three hectares of bushland to be conserved for passive recreation and wildlife.

Fences and paths were constructed to control access, so that the bushland would not become further degraded.

Signs were erected to recognize the group ‘Friends of Korella Park Bushland Regeneration Project’.

Since 1996 work in the bushland has included weed eradication,revegetation, seed collection and the removal of litter, rubbish and grass clippings.
Other activities include information displays, monitoring the bush regeneration, writing reports and submissions for funding.

Perth’s bushland is unique and special. Bushland is important for biodiversity (Endangered alike Carnaby’s Black Cockatoos often visit Korella Bushland) as well as our lifestyle and needs to be cared for. Introduced plants, weeds, animals and diseases, trampling fires and pollution degrade our bushland.

Who Can Help?

  • Local Residents
  • Community Groups
  • Schools
  • Interested Individuals
  • Corporate Groups

Ways to Help:

You can help conserve our natural heritage for future generations by joining in activities

  • Weeding
  • Collecting Rubbish
  • Planting

Other Ways include:

  • Recording events eg. photography
  • Putting up displays
  • Letter box drops

Friends of Bold Park Bushland

The Friends of Bold Park Bushland is a community group committed to protecting Bold Park. They played a key role in securing Bold Park as an A class reserve in the 1980's. Their current goal is to work with the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority to help create a world recognised urban wilderness.

The Friends take part in:

  • regeneration projects to maintain and improve the quality of the bushland
  • protecting the integrity of the park through lobbying and raising community awareness
  • providing free guided walks through Bold Park bushland.

[email protected]
(08) 9480 3996
