Pages tagged "conservation"
The Wildflower Society of Western Australia Inc. - Armadale Branch
Our aims are to understand our plants, to share information on how to recognise them, to protect the bushland in which they grow; and to propagate and grow them.
We come from all sections of the community. A shared wonder of Western Australia's flora has brought together professional and amateur botanists and the interested enthusiasts. It is this shared expertise from throughout the community that is the strength of the Society.
For further information please go to;
Pres. - Helen Wildsmith [email protected]
Sec. - Steve Aldersea [email protected]
Phone: 9498 2127
The Rottnest Society
The Rottnest Society (Inc.) is a 'friends' group for Rottnest and came into being in 1984 as a direct response to huge public concern about the Burke government's plans for an international hotel, international golf course and international marina. It was incorporated in 1985 as a not-for-profit organisation and it continues as such today. It has no office and no employees.
All management and organisational activities are carried out from, and meetings are held in, the homes of committee members. The Society does a lot of work making submissions to government and the Rottnest Island Authority with its major focus for this work being the natural environment of the publicly owned A-class Reserve which is Rottnest Island. It also attempts to educate the wider public about issues as they arise. During each year we host talks by scientists on various aspects of the natural environment of Rottnest. Since 1997 the Society has made a significant input into the Rottnest Island Authority's revegetation programme on Rottnest by organising two tree planting weekends per year with approximately 50 volunteers each time, plus a smaller weeding weekend. We are responsible for planting between one quarter and one half of the 50,000 trees planted each year. We now have a very good working arrangement with Curtin Volunteers (environmental students) for this work and a number of them are very active tree planters and weeders.
In this way we are working to ensure that new generations are developing a level of understanding of some of the problems which face West Australians in managing Rottnest for a sustainable future.
We have recently been working on the development of this website. Through this website we wish to do several things:
- Reach a wider audience for our educational and 'hands-on' activities.
- Post articles and possibly parts of our Newsletter (published three or four times per year)
- Allow members and public to respond to articles, or to otherwise make comments on Rottnest-related matters.
- Encourage wider membership, particularly amongst younger people.
The work of The Rottnest Society benefits the wider West Australian public (the owners of Rottnest Island) through 'hands-on' conservation and restoration work, the detailed submission making on management plans, proposed developments and environmental issues, and the involvement of several generations of West Australians in these activities.
9433 3165 or 0413 533 170
[email protected]
The Black Cockatoo Preservation Society
The Black Cockatoo Preservation Society is a not-for-profit non-government organisation dedicated to the conservation of our rare black cockatoos and runs the Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Conservation Centre. Our purpose is to rescue injured and orphaned black cockatoos for rehabilitation and release throughout Western Australia while engaging the community in conservation action.
Our centre is located in the Perth Hills in the suburb of Martin at an old wildlife park. Our volunteer taskforce works tirelessly every day to provide world class care for these rare birds until they are able to be released into the wild again. You too could take action for cockatoo conservation and volunteer at Kaarakin! We always welcome more reliable and hard working people to join our team.
Although we are not open to the general public, private guided tours can be arranged for a donation to the centre. Email us to find out more.
General Enquiries
E: [email protected]
P: (08) 9390 2288
Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group
Who We Are:
The Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group Inc. was formed in 2010 in response to a pressing need for action to ensure the long-term health and well-being of three very special areas in the Swan River Estuary that have been set aside by the wider community as A-Class Reserves. Members volunteer their time and expertise to restore and strengthen the resilience of native habitat in each of the Reserves.
Join Us:
To become a member, a person must support SERAG Inc.'s two objectives:
- Enhance the long-term ecological health of the Swan River Estuary A-Class Reserves and adjacent river parks for the benefit of native fauna and for the enjoyment of current and future generations of the Perth Community.
- Support the managing authorities and those organisations involved in the restoration of the natural environment of the Swan River Estuary.
Joining SERAG Inc. does not necessarily involve any commitment of time. Participation in our various projects and activities is always warmly welcomed, but entirely voluntary.
By becoming a member, a person is expressing support for our objectives, and thereby strengthening our capacity to attract vital funding for restoration work. This alone is a great reason to join!
Sustainable Population Australia Inc
Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) was formed in 1988 by people who felt that the issue of population numbers was overlooked, or regarded as too contentious, by many of those striving to preserve Australia's ecological heritage.
It has held public meetings and conferences in many parts of Australia. SPA branches around the country promote SPA's ideas, study local problems, lobby politicians and recruit new members.
Some branches hold regular meetings but the main link between members is the Newsletter, produced six times a year. This provides members with information and expert opinion to rebut the many myths about sustainability and population that one hears in conversation or sees in the press.
Formerly known as Australians for an Ecologically Sustainable Population, SPA is an ecological group dedicated to preserving species' habitats globally and in Australia from the degradation caused by human population growth. We work on many fronts to encourage informed public debate about how Australia and the world can achieve an ecologically sustainable population.
Ph: 93861890
Email: [email protected]
Speleological Research Group of WA
(08) 9258 8444
[email protected]
South West Forests Defence Foundation Inc
South West Forests Defence Foundation (SFDF) is a group that has been involved with four decades of involvement with the conservation of the Jarrah and Karri forests of the South West region of Western Australia. It was formed at approximately the same time as the government of Charles Court expressed interest in exploiting forests in the south west for woodchipping. Around the same time, the forests of the Darling Scarp were being allocated for removal for the mining of bauxite. Another group, the Campaign to Save Native Forests (CSNF), worked in co-operation with the SFDF on publishing critiques of the environmental conditions for the woodchipping at Manjimup. The SFDF continued to take issue with industry and government plans for Karri forests on the south coast region, and it was not until the late 1990s that the region was given some limited protection from forestry by the creation of national parks and reserves.
Phone: (08) 93867159
Email: [email protected]
Society for Kimberley Indigenous Plants and Animal
The Society for Kimberley Indigenous Plants and Animals is a group for Kimberley People who want to do any of the following:
- Grow your own native plants
- Promote sustainable and environmentally friendly gardening practices.
- Learn more about Kimberley plants and animals
- Participate in Kimberley field trips
- Propagate
- Advance the knowledge about Kimberley plants and animals
- Seed collect
- Collect herbarium specimens
- Survey
- Take Photos
- Contribute to community and environment,
- Share knowledge
- Restore degraded sites and address environmental threats
For more information or to get on the SKIPA email distribution list
[email protected]
or information about Weeds & Biodiversity – Environs Kimberley
[email protected]
Phone: (08) 91921922