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Pages tagged "conservation"

Friends of Moore River Estuary

The Friends of Moore River Estuary Inc (FOMRE) is a group of people whose common link is opposition to a large scale development that threatens the quality of the Moore River and surrounding human and natural landscapes. FOMRE is not opposed to responsible and appropriate development, but believes that this should occur only on the north side of the river.

In January 1994 the Moore River Company applied to rezone 557 hectares of land on the south side of the estuary for "urban development". The Guilderton Community Association made strenuous efforts to prevent this development, on many fronts.

FOMRE was originally formed out of a decision by the Guilderton Community Association to do its utmost to protect the uniqueness of this area, and to promote responsible development. It was subsequently registered as a separate incorporated body specifically to focus on the protection of the Moore River Estuary natural landscapes and environment.

The Moore River empties into the Indian Ocean at Guilderton, a very small coastal town an hour's drive north from Perth. The townsite is built on the north bank of this pristine river system. Although the permanent population is small (approx 150), the Moore River area is enjoyed by tens of thousands of holiday makers every year.
The south bank of the Moore River is a key visual, ecological and environmental asset that provides an important wildlife corridor between Yanchep and Wilbinga Parks and Moore River. It has been used as rural land and lightly grazed by cattle since the 1960s, and much of the development site still contains pristine/excellent bushland.

The Plunkett-owned Moore River Company has plans to turn this area into more urban sprawl with a development consisting of around 2000 houses on the tongue of land between the river and sea on the south side of the Moore River. This suburb, for 5,000 people will be in a cul-de-sac, with no communication with Guilderton besides a river swim, a sandbar walk or a 20km drive. Despite current state government approvals, these plans remain impractical and unworkable.

The battle to Save Moore River is more than 21 years on.

The objects of the Friends of Moore River Estuary Incorporated (FOMRE) are as follows:

  • to foster and promote an appreciation of the natural landscapes of Moore River estuary;
  • to write, publish, or make submissions or join with any person in producing or publishing any material in support of appreciating or protecting the natural landscapes of Moore River estuary;
  • to become affiliated with the or subscribe to any other association or bodies whose objects are similar to the objects of the association and, if thought it, to withdraw; and
  • to do and perform all acts matters and things necessary to be done and performed so as to encourage the protection of the Moore River Estuary natural landscapes and environment.

[email protected]


Friends of Korella Park Bushland

In late 1995, earth moving equipment moved in to clear coastal shrublands on Korella street reserve. However, the Friends of Korella Bushland gained the support of the city of Joondalup for one oval to be constructed and the remaining three hectares of bushland to be conserved for passive recreation and wildlife.

Fences and paths were constructed to control access, so that the bushland would not become further degraded.

Signs were erected to recognize the group ‘Friends of Korella Park Bushland Regeneration Project’.

Since 1996 work in the bushland has included weed eradication,revegetation, seed collection and the removal of litter, rubbish and grass clippings.
Other activities include information displays, monitoring the bush regeneration, writing reports and submissions for funding.

Perth’s bushland is unique and special. Bushland is important for biodiversity (Endangered alike Carnaby’s Black Cockatoos often visit Korella Bushland) as well as our lifestyle and needs to be cared for. Introduced plants, weeds, animals and diseases, trampling fires and pollution degrade our bushland.

Who Can Help?

  • Local Residents
  • Community Groups
  • Schools
  • Interested Individuals
  • Corporate Groups

Ways to Help:

You can help conserve our natural heritage for future generations by joining in activities

  • Weeding
  • Collecting Rubbish
  • Planting

Other Ways include:

  • Recording events eg. photography
  • Putting up displays
  • Letter box drops

Friends of Fitzgerald River National Park

The Friends of the Fitzgerald River National Park (FFRNP) is a independent volunteer community group who assist in the upkeep and conservation of this remarkable National Park. We are involved in bringing people together to enjoy the park, and also in scientific research. The park is the core area of the Fitzgerald Biosphere Reserve, formed in 1978 under the UNESCO ‘Man and the Biosphere’ program.

The FFRNP began as the Ongerup Conservation Organisation in 1971. It was formed in response to the threat of mining in the then un-managed “C” class nature reserve. The Fitzgerald River National Park was officially gazetted in January 1973. After the threat of mining diminished, the Ongerup Conservation Organisation went into recess and re-formed in 1980 as the FRNP Association, since renamed the Friends of the FRNP.

The seven person committee and approximately other 130 members comprise at present one of the largest active community groups on the south coast of Western Australia.


Friends of Brixton St Wetlands Kenwick

Preservation of this natural heritage grew out of a campaign by the Waterbird Conservation Group in the late 1980′s, leading to the founding of the Friends group in 1994.

Our continuing mission is the conservation and restoration of the Brixton St Wetlands and sharing the rewards of our efforts with the local community. Our group of volunteers are committed to helping maintain the thriving ecosystem which is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna; including the endangered Bandicoot or Southern Brown Bandicoot (Quenda).

Having succeeded in raising awareness about the importance of this area to the community and local government, our group developed a set of management objectives and devised a clear focus that would better understand the importance of the claypans, the flora, the animals and the bird habitat in the region. Restoring the area to a state that is as natural as possible has been the mission of the friends and accomplishing this is a testament to the support and tireless efforts of the many individuals who have supported our cause over the years.


What we do:

  • Create awareness and appreciation of the wetlands that are habitat for native and migratory birds, for breeding and wading species
  • Assist with ecological studies of the fauna and flora in the wetlands area
  • Share information with other interested groups and organisations
  • Encourage the preservation, and where needed revegetation and enhancement of the wetland area for the benefit of indigenous flora and  fauna
  • Provide information for educational and community purposes
  • Maintain the bushland, fencing, paths and entrances
  • Offer guided tours and recreational activities for newcomers and interested members of the public, whether young or old, fit or disabled.

In 2004, in recognition of its conservation significance the Wetlands were vested in the Conservation Commission of Western Australia as a nature reserve for conservation of flora and fauna managed by the Department of Environment and Conservation. A management committee with representation from the Friends, DEC and the City of Gosnells has been responsible for management of the Wetlands. Management actions include weed management and bushland restoration, the upgrading of fences, placement of signs and rubbish removal.

Join the Friends

We’re always keen to share stories or provide information, and we are proud of the success our group has achieved so far. If it sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, don’t wait….get in touch with us today!

9459 2964

Friends of Bold Park Bushland

The Friends of Bold Park Bushland is a community group committed to protecting Bold Park. They played a key role in securing Bold Park as an A class reserve in the 1980's. Their current goal is to work with the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority to help create a world recognised urban wilderness.

The Friends take part in:

  • regeneration projects to maintain and improve the quality of the bushland
  • protecting the integrity of the park through lobbying and raising community awareness
  • providing free guided walks through Bold Park bushland.

[email protected]
(08) 9480 3996


Aboriginal Heritage Action Alliance

A community action group supporting the preservation of heritage and economic development for all West Australians. The current and past administration of the WA Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972, particularly the proposed amendments, continue to endanger the future of our economy, our communities and our democracy.


Facebook page:

Bunbury Bushwalking Club Inc

"Our Club was formed in 1986 to encourage a fit, healthy lifestyle for members whilst walking and enjoying the great outdoors. Our guided walks take us through coastal and forest environments in both private bushland and National Parks.


  • We have 1 club activity / month /annum
  • Our Day Walks range from 10 -17 kms
  • Our Car camps and Back Packs are over several days duration
  • Car pooling is generally available from Bunbury City to the walk location
  • We are Risk insured
  • All our Walk Leaders are experienced guides
  • We welcome all visitors including family groups

Listing on Bushwalking WA website:

Email: [email protected]

Facebook page:

CREW (Clearwater Revivial East Wanneroo)

C.R.E.W. stands for Clearwater Revival East Wanneroo. It formed after the the first draft strategy was published in 2004 for proposed re-zoning of East Wanneroo. There was a group of residents who become concerned that the issue of development on land classified as medium to high risk acid sulphate soils that could cause contamination was not addressed in document, the issue was mentioned in a brief sentence.

Like other members of the public we were aware of the dangers these soils posed especially when disturbed for development purposes. We had read countless reports on ecological disasters where there had been poisoning of both groundwater and soil. Around that time the city of Stirling had a major crisis on their hands due to development on acid sulphate soils in their city. Not being scientists we thought it prudent to seek clarification from those in the scientific community who had expertise on acid sulphate soils in the East Wanneroo area. We wanted to see if the threat was real or imagined regarding the land being proposed for development. Doing so would enable us to decide whether or not resident's in the area should be concerned about the disturbance of acid sulphate soil in East Wanneroo, given that bore water was the only source of water for many residents and market gardens used this bore water to grow their vegetables.

After talking to a number of scientists we realised the problem was very real and so set about to inform residents by arranging a public talk at the Wanneroo council by these scientists, this meeting gave about two hundred residents the opportunity to question the experts about this subject and make an informed opinion.
For more information, please visit our website.


Care for Hedland Environmental Association Inc

The Care for Hedland Environmental Association is actively involved in raising awareness, as well as catering for environmental and sustainability needs of the township.

This is achieved through delivering a diverse range of conservation-based volunteer programs and activities for the Hedland community, which are suitable for all ages and levels of commitment. 

The Association acts as an effective conduit for the communication of environmental and sustainability information into the community and provides a forum whereby business, industry, government and community can discuss barriers, opportunities and solutions to sustainable development for Hedland and the Pilbara.

Our Aims

  1. Bring ideas/feedback to government and other bodies on environmental/sustainability issues

  2. Assess and prioritise current and future environmental/sustainability issues

  3. Ascertain public perception of responsible bodies’ efforts in environmental management

  4. Assist awareness raising of environmental/sustainability issues

  5. Build a partnership between the community, business/industries and government agencies for the management of environmental/sustainability issues

Carbon Neutral Ltd

Carbon Neutral Charitable Fund (CNCF) is a registered environmental charity established in 2007. We help individuals, families and organisations to minimise their impact on the environment. We use funds raised through donations, carbon offsets and eCards to plant native trees on degraded land in Australia. Our biodiverse reforestation projects sequester carbon whilst helping to restore the landscape and conserve the natural biodiversity. In 2016 we reached 5.4 million trees across more than 3,812 hectares. We are the only Australian charity to offer Australian reforestation offsets certified by the international Gold Standard Foundation. 

If you would like to know more about carbon offsetting, donate a tree programs including eCards, workplace giving schemes please visit our website or contact us at the details below. Our website provides and an online calculator as well as lower carbon/ sustainable living tips and the ability to offset.


We plant trees for our planet. Together let’s reduce our carbon footprint, restore the landscape, and revive biodiversity



Email:              [email protected]

Phone:             1300 857 970