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Pages tagged "environment"

Blackwood Environment Society

Blackwood Environment Society Inc has many experts standing by to work on your organisations or conservation needs. Serving WA in the area of organisations or conservation is what they do best.

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Avon Valley Environmental Society Inc

This organisation primarily act as watchdogs that monitor all activities in relation to the health of the environment within the catchment area of the Avon River. We act on any threat that may be made on our environment by way of education and conciliation.

The Intent of Avon Valley Environmental Society inc.:

* Educate the public of the importance of looking after the environment in which we live and work

Accomplishments of Avon Valley Environmental Society inc.:

* Earth Solutions Expo August 2007.
* Successfully lobbied the local Shire to introduce Recycling Waste Collections.
* Organised and Funded Scientific Health Survey of the Avon River within the confines of the Town of Northam.


Australian Association for Environmental Education

The AAEE both nationally and in Western Australia seeks to:

  • promote environmental education as defined by UNESCO/UNEP
  • develop projects for broad application within the field of environmental education
  • promote coordination among bodies engaged in environmental education and training
  • cooperate and/or affiliate with any other bodies with similar aims for the more effective furtherance of these aims
  • promote the cooperation of relevant groups and individuals
  • raise funds from its members, from grants or from any other sources for the advancement of environmental education
  • publish, distribute, and disseminate matters arising out of and in connection with the Association and environmental education
  • hold conferences, meetings, seminars and gatherings to promote environmental education
  • publish a journal of environmental education.

These purposes are stated in the constitution of the Australian Association for Environmental Education.


Albany Community Environment Centre

The Albany Community Environment Centre (ACEC) was originally formed in 1994 with the purpose of promoting  and supporting our local environment. In 2007, the group decided to focus on the issue of climate change, with the aim of  increasing awareness of the need for sustainability in our lifestyles and future decision making.

Some of the activities undertaken by the ACEC  in 2007 and 2008 included stalls at the Albany Show and the Master Builders’ Expo, a calendar of events to enable locals to hear from guest speakers on environmental issues currently affecting our region; workshops to teach skills such as composting; being part of local environmental activities, such as the Fauna Nightstalk.

The major undertaking of 2008 and 2009 for the ACEC was our Home Sustainability project. With funding from the State Government’s Sustainable Energy Development Office (SEDO), we obtained Home Sustainability Assessment training for some of our members and provided subsidised home energy and water audits for over one hundred Albany households.

If you have any environmental topics you are interested in and you’d like the ACEC to be involved in, please let us know…

If there is a need for a meeting, committee meetings are usually held on the second Tuesday of the month, starting at 5.30 pm, at one of Albany’s quieter pubs.