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Pages tagged "nature reserves"

Nature Reserves Preservation Group Inc

NRPG Objectives

  1. Promote the preservation and restoration of nature reserves within the City of Kalamunda.
  2. Establish sub-groups within the City to take responsibility for the local bush reserves.
  3. Provide a forum for the expression of concerns on the environment and lifestyle within the City of Kalamunda.
  4. Support any bodies or associations having similar aims and concerns.
  5. Actively encourage the City Council and City residents to participate in the preservation of our environment.
  6. Ensure representation on Council by members sympathetic to these ideals.
  7. Participate through any Kalamunda City Council Working Parties in the management of nature reserves.
  8. Involve young people in the care of reserves.
  9. Offer education to community groups and schools in indigenous flora and fauna.
