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Pages tagged "news"

McGowan Government congratulated on plastic bag ban

Conservation groups have congratulated the McGowan Government on the lightweight plastic bag ban coming into force yesterday, as a significant step towards tackling WA’s plastic pollution.

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June 2018

First of all, a massive thank you to everyone who donated to our end of financial year appeal! Thank you so much for partnering with us and thousands of people across Western Australia, to protect our wildlife and environment, and to secure an incredible sustainable future for all of us. You’re making a huge difference!

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Chevron takes the lead as WA’s largest polluter

Gas pollution problem is costing jobs and harming the environment

Conservation groups have responded to the announcement that the Chevron Wheatstone LNG project has reached a milestone, by releasing images of pollution and gas flaring at the facility, and calling for controls to be imposed on pollution from the facility. The Wheatstone LNG project will be the state’s largest source of carbon pollution when in full operation.

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It's time for an independent inquiry into prescribed burning

SENSITIVE CONTENT WARNING: This blog contains a photo of a mother Western Ringtail Possum which perished in a prescribed burn in a nature reserve in 2017. 

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May 2018

Did you attend one of our Eco May 2018 activities during the month of May? We were excited to promote over 100 fantastic eco-themed events and activities, organised by members of our community all over WA. We had everything from organic gardening and recycling workshops, to public events to ban fracking and Stop Adani.

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State Budget 2018 – 2019 Response

Analysis of the WA State Budget and what it means for the environment

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Review of WA’s largest polluter welcomed

The Conservation Council of WA (CCWA) has welcomed a review of conditions imposed on WA’s largest polluter to control carbon pollution from the giant Gorgon LNG facility on Barrow Island.

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Residents, scientists in bid to save Red Tailed Cockatoo roost from bulldozers

Community groups and scientists have joined forces in a bid to save one of Perth’s most significant roosting sites for threatened Red Tailed Black Cockatoos, which they say is under imminent threat from an industrial development by Linc Property Group at the Greater Brixton St Wetlands in the City of Gosnells.

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Evidence based approach to shark safety welcome

The Conservation Council of WA (CCWA) has welcomed a statement from Fisheries Minister Dave Kelly, confirming that the McGowan Government would maintain an evidence based approach to shark safety.

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Repairing your stuff - it's not just about saving money

In our throwaway society, advertisers tell us that we love to shop. To acquire new things, we often have to ditch old possessions when space becomes an issue. We make excuses when something "just has to go" - not least of which is, "it's broken".

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