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Pages tagged "news"

Much worse than Adani – Browse and Burrup Hub LNG pollution revealed

Media Release - 10 October 2019

Western Australia’s peak environment group has released new analysis published in the Guardian today revealing the full size and scale of carbon pollution that would result from the Browse Basin and Burrup Hub liquid natural gas (LNG) development led by Woodside.

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EPA consultation process reveals overwhelming support for withdrawn pollution policy

Consultation on the Environmental Protection Authority's (EPA) paused carbon pollution policy has revealed overwhelming support for the policy to be reinstated and strengthened, according to submissions published on the EPA website yesterday.  

The EPA policy, released earlier this year proposed new rules requiring WA’s biggest polluters offset emissions through projects such as tree planting, carbon farming and renewable energy. A campaign by WA’s biggest polluters in the LNG industry spearheaded by Woodside and the West Australian led to the EPA withdrawing the guideline subject to further consultation.  

Submissions received by the EPA have now been published online and reveal overwhelming support from the community, scientists, business and the general public for the policy to be reinstated and strengthened. 

Almost 7,000 submissions were received, many from expert scientists, industry groups and other organisations concerned about the impacts of climate change and the rapidly rising and uncontrolled pollution from WA’s LNG industry. 

Conservation Council of WA (CCWA) Director Piers Verstegen said the submissions process had revealed that the campaign by WA’s biggest polluters did not have the backing of the community, who were overwhelmingly supportive of the EPA’s proposed guideline.  

“Very few submissions received by the EPA support the self-serving efforts of WA’s big polluters to block action on climate change and avoid their responsibility to clean up their act.  

“Predictably, WA’s biggest polluters in the LNG industry have argued that other sectors of the community and business should bear the cost of their rapidly rising pollution, but the consultation shows that Western Australians are not having a bar of it.  

“Action to offset carbon pollution from WA’s biggest polluters as proposed by the EPA would cost a fraction of their record profits yet would deliver over 4,000 new jobs for Western Australians in industries such as tree planting, carbon farming, renewable energy and clean technology.  

“Many submissions received by the EPA from business leaders, scientists, experts and community groups called for even stronger action, including the refusal of any new fossil fuel projects on the grounds that such developments pose an unacceptable threat to the climate and the WA environment.  

“Clearly there is overwhelming support across the community for sensible action on climate change as proposed by the EPA, which would unlock thousands of new jobs in clean sustainable industries of the future.  

“When it comes to policy on climate change and carbon pollution, we call on the EPA to listen to the thousands of community submissions and input from experts, scientists and community groups supporting action on climate change – not the blockers and rent-seekers in WA’s most polluting industries.”

Further Comment:
Piers Verstegen – 0411 557 892

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Chevron climate pollution problems get worse – calls to prosecute company for unauthorised emissions

Western Australia’s peak conservation and climate organisation have called for WA’s biggest polluter to be prosecuted for unauthorized emissions from the Barrow Island LNG facility since the commencement of the project.

The Conservation Council of Western Australia (CCWA) was responding to the release of an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) report into Chevron’s failed pollution control system at the facility. The EPA was asked by the Minister for the Environment in April 2018 to clarify the intended start date for the controversial and problematic pollution control system. The EPA has rejected Chevron’s arguments for a late start date, ruling that the pollution control should have been operating since 2016.

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No Nuclear Power for Australia

Submissions to the Standing Committee on Environment and Energy Inquiry into Nuclear Energy in Australia closed on September 16th 2019 with wide community opposition to nuclear power. 



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WA gas pollution behind Morrison’s embarrassing no-show at NY climate summit

Western Australia’s peak environment and climate groups have called WA’s rising gas pollution an international embarrassment, causing the Prime Minister to avoid the New York climate summit where he would have to explain the cause of Australia’s failing climate policies and rising emissions.

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Nuclear Power : A Dangerous Distraction

Right now, there is a federal inquiry into nuclear power in Australia and you can have your say before Monday 16 September.  We have a clear solution to the climate crisis: power our communities with clean, affordable energy from the sun and wind. Which is lucky, because we need climate action, fast.   But the declining, catastrophically risky nuclear industry is trying to keep itself profitable. Talk of nuclear power is an expensive, dangerous distraction from real climate action.

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Issues paper shows McGowan Government needs help on climate solutions

WA’s peak conservation group and the Clean State campaign welcomes the release of the new 'Climate Change in Western Australia' issues paper by the McGowan government today as the consultation period for the state's climate policy opens. The consultation paper shows that the McGowan Government needs help to come to terms with the reality of climate change, and the opportunities that action on climate present for WA.


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Pollution from WA LNG driving Australia’s emissions up despite gains in other states


Conservation Groups and the Clean State campaign have responded to the release of Australian Government pollution reporting data, showing WA LNG is the main driver behind Australia’s increasing carbon pollution.


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2050 pollution target welcomed, but rising emissions must be brought under control now

Environment groups and the Clean State campaign have welcomed the announcement that a new carbon pollution reduction target of net zero emissions by 2050 would be adopted by the McGowan Government, but the groups have cautioned that the policy must deliver immediate reductions, rather than increases in WA’s pollution if it is to be taken seriously.

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Chevron must address millions of tonnes of extra carbon pollution from Barrow Island LNG

Chevron has announced that operation of the controversial and delayed equipment to inject carbon pollution from its liquified natural gas (LNG) plant underground on Barrow Island has finally commenced, two-and-a-half years after the Gorgon LNG project started operating. Once fully operational, Chevron says the geosequestration facility will reduce the pollution from Gorgon by 40%.

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