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Pages tagged "news"

Wave Park decision a win for wildlife and community

The state’s peak environment group has welcomed Lands Minister Ben Wyatt’s announcement that Crown Land will not be sold to the City of Melville to make way for a wave park, and has urged the WA Government to work with the developers to find a more suitable location and to remove the uncertainty hanging over the community.

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New data shows WA LNG pollution rising out of control, preventing Australia meeting Paris targets

New data released by the State and Commonwealth Governments points to a major spike in carbon pollution from liquified natural gas (LNG) production in Western Australia, making WA LNG the primary driver of national pollution increases and preventing Australia meeting targets under the Paris Agreement, according to the Conservation Council of WA (CCWA).

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January 2019

Welcome to 2019! We hope you had a fantastic break, and are looking forward to the exciting events and opportunities that this year holds for us all.

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Recycling Refund Act welcomed but scheme must not be run by beverage industry

Western Australia’s peak environment group has congratulated the McGowan Government and Environment Minister Stephen Dawson on the passage of legislation to establish a 10c recycling refund scheme for Western Australia, but warned that control of the scheme should not be handed over to the beverage industry, whose commercial interests do not align with maximising recycling rates and convenience for consumers.

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Further consultation on EPA climate policy is a call to arms for community

Western Australia’s peak environment group has said the community overwhelmingly supports action to control WA’s biggest polluters, and that it would continue to press for policies that would prevent new fossil fuel developments in WA as part of a further consultation on the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)’s climate policy.

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Climate policy investment risk claims are baseless: experts

As the Premier prepares to meet with liquefied natural gas (LNG) industry representatives, Western Australia’s peak environment group has hit back at claims from the fossil fuel and mining industry that the new Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) policy on climate change would harm jobs and investment, labelling them a cynical attempt to preserve corporate profits at the expense of Western Australians and the environment.

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Big oil and gas are wrong. EPA’s climate policy is good for jobs and the climate

The WA Environmental Protection Authority (EPA)'s updated policy on climate change has the potential to be a major employment driver, and deliver a huge environmental and economic opportunity for Western Australians. It will also make a necessary and pragmatic contribution towards preventing dangerous climate change. But as a response, major oil and gas players have attacked the EPA with outrage in the media and full page advertisements in the state’s only daily broadsheet, which itself has links to the oil and gas industry. The hysterical response is a blatant mix of hypocrisy and hyperbole.

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Report reveals EPA policy on carbon pollution would unlock thousands of new WA jobs

Independent analysis from RepuTex Energy has revealed that around 4,000 new jobs would be created in Western Australia’s land management, renewable energy, and other industries if the state government reinstated and strengthened conditions requiring WA’s largest polluters to offset greenhouse gas emissions.

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New EPA policy on climate change will deliver jobs and environmental benefits

Conservation groups have welcomed a new policy on climate change released today by the WA Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), saying it will deliver very significant jobs and environmental benefits.

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Kal Miner: Traditional Owners hope for a uranium mine u-turn

On Tuesday 6 March 2019, the Kalgoorlie Miner reported, Traditional Owners, hope for a uranium mine u-turn. 

A group of Traditional Owners are crossing their fingers a Supreme Court of Appeals decision will go their way and prevent a project that would see the State's first uranium mine opened in the northern Goldfields. 

Click here to read the article. 

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