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Pages tagged "perth"


Perth Advocates for the Earth

Perth Advocates for the Earth are a group of friends trying to make a difference. We are deeply concerned about the lack of adequate legislation to protect animals in Australia, particularly our endangered wildlife but we are also concerned about issues concerning our fellow man and our impact on the environment.
Our aims and objectives are:

  • To educate and inform the public about animal welfare, human rights and environmental issues.
  • To raise funds for groups or organisations that don’t receive any (or enough) government, corporate or public funding
  • To raise the profile of groups or organisations that aren’t receiving adequate media or public attention.
  • To assist and become actively involved wherever we can at a grass roots level with petitioning, protesting and rallying.

Friends of Bold Park Bushland

The Friends of Bold Park Bushland is a community group committed to protecting Bold Park. They played a key role in securing Bold Park as an A class reserve in the 1980's. Their current goal is to work with the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority to help create a world recognised urban wilderness.

The Friends take part in:

  • regeneration projects to maintain and improve the quality of the bushland
  • protecting the integrity of the park through lobbying and raising community awareness
  • providing free guided walks through Bold Park bushland.

[email protected]
(08) 9480 3996


350 Perth

350 stands for climate safety. To preserve our planet, scientists tell us we must reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere from its current levels of nearly 400 parts per million to below 350 ppm. But 350 is more than a number—it’s a symbol of where we need to head as a planet.

Part of a Global Movement Dedicated to Promoting Solutions to Climate Change.  We are the local group for 350 Australia and operate with 350 Fremantle.

In Perth we work on building the Divestment movement, resisting new fossil fuel projects with a focus on Unconventional Gas, working in partnership with No Fracking WAy to build a broad and effective climate movement powerful enough to create a safe climate future.

Email: [email protected]