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Australian Network for Plant Conservation Inc

The Australian Network for Plant Conservation Incorporated is:

  • a not-for-profit organisation;
  • an incorporated body governed by a constitution;
  • listed on the Register for Environmental Organisations;
  • registered for Deductible Gift Recipient Status with the Australian Taxation Office;
  • endorsed as a Charitable Institution for charity tax concessions.

The mission of the ANPC is to "Promote and develop plant conservation in Australia".


  • links you to others active in plant conservation through this website and ANPC News
  • is a forum for the exchange of information and ideas
  • publishes findings from current research and on-ground practice
  • publishes plant conservation techniques and guidelines
  • holds workshops and courses in conservation and rehabilitation techniques
  • promotes an ecological focus in on-ground conservation, rehabilitation and management of remnant vegetation, threatened plants and ecological communities
  • holds a biennial national conference alternating with a themed forum, with associated workshops (1st forum in 2007)
  • provides members with a quarterly bulletin and discounts for workshops and conferences
  • provides information and updates through this website and the ANPC News
  • is affiliated with other bodies.

ANPC has a National Office in Canberra. The office is staffed by two part-time employees, sometimes assisted by volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact the National Office.
The ANPC's activities are overseen by a committee which represents a range of stakeholders in plant conservation. Many members actively contribute to projects.

The ANPC hasn't always been the way it is now.  A couple of articles are reproduced here to record how things were.  More can be gleaned from old issues of Danthonia and Australasian Plant Conservation, the ANPC journal.

  • background paper prepared for the Biodiversity Information Newtwork electronic on-line workshop in Brazil in June 1992
  • An article, The Australian Network for Plant Conservation and Threatened Plant Germplasm Conservation, June 1998

Join the ANPC. It's easy and gives you a subscription to our journal and discounts on our activities.