Pages tagged "western australia"
River Conservation Society Inc
Focussing on The Avon River catchment, conservation and enhancement of Remnant Bushland and promotion of research in WA's ecology.
Possum Centre Busselton Inc
Aims and objects of the Possum Centre according to our constitution:
- To help preserve the Western Ringtail Possum in conjunction with relevant governmental organisations and environment industry partners to ensure a healthy, productive and sustainable co-existence between people and possums.
- To develop, operate and maintain a co-operative group in order to research, promote and protect possums and other wildlife of the South West of Western Australia but in particular the Western Ringtail Possum.
- To provide medical aid for injured or orphaned possums and assist in health research.
- To assist in the provision of care, shelter and rehabilitation of possums and their release into a suitable natural environment.
- To actively promote the preservation and regeneration of native habitat.
- To raise public awareness and increase knowledge and community involvement.
- To encourage awareness within the youth of the community.
- To provide an 'information pool' for professionals and the general public.
- To provide networking opportunities for interested stakeholders.
[email protected]
Contact numbers:
Pilbara Wildlife Carers Association Inc
To treat and care for sick, injured and orphaned wildlife
To rehabilitate and release wildlife back into their natural environment
To provide a humane assessment and the appropriate response to and animals situation
To educate the community to humanely care for our wildlife when the need arises
All carers are volunteer wildlife rehabilitators, registered with the Dept of Environment & Conservation (formerly known as CALM).
If you wish to become a member and support our Association please contact us and we will send you the appropriate forms and information.
Even if you are unable to care for an animals, becoming a member will allow you to support our group. In return you will receive support from other members, information on up and coming events and a regular newsletter or correspondence.
Or if you wish to make a donation please contact us. We are always looking for sponsors to further our involvement within the community and to make people more aware of what they can do to help wildlife in the Pilbara.
[email protected]
Specific Animal Carer Details:
Kangaroos: 0439 984 371
Birds: 0438 924 842
Reptiles: 0418 631 656
Bats: 0438 924 842 or 9182 2000.
Outlying Areas Carers Details
Carnarvon: 0439 694 317
Tom Price Group: 0438 957 463
Perth Advocates for the Earth
Perth Advocates for the Earth are a group of friends trying to make a difference. We are deeply concerned about the lack of adequate legislation to protect animals in Australia, particularly our endangered wildlife but we are also concerned about issues concerning our fellow man and our impact on the environment.
Our aims and objectives are:
- To educate and inform the public about animal welfare, human rights and environmental issues.
- To raise funds for groups or organisations that don’t receive any (or enough) government, corporate or public funding
- To raise the profile of groups or organisations that aren’t receiving adequate media or public attention.
- To assist and become actively involved wherever we can at a grass roots level with petitioning, protesting and rallying.
People for Nuclear Disarmament
People For Nuclear Disarmament (P.N.D) are a group of people devoted to Nuclear Disarmament. We have been active since 1960 and are based in Sydney, Australia, and have affiliates around the world.
PND's objective is to inspire, and mobilise public opinion in support of disarmament and peace, social justice, and preservation of the environment, with the ultimate aim of complete and general world disarmament with the necessary safeguards assured by agreed forms of international supervision.
(+612) 9319-4296
Peel Preservation Group Inc
Peel Preservation Group (PPG) is a community organisation which:
- is committed to preserving the natural qualities of the Peel-Harvey catchment and estuary.
- provides an opportunity for all people to contribute to the preservation of the natural environment.
- is committed to ensuring that the natural biodiversity and integrity of life is preserved.
08 9586 1310
Rethink Perth Freight Link Alliance
Rethink Perth Freight Link is an alliance of community groups, organisations and local governments who oppose the Perth Freight Link project and any destruction of the Beeliar wetlands and who promote alternative sustainable transport solutions.
Our goal is to convince the State and Federal governments to rethink their commitment to the Perth Freight Link in its current form and consider alternative sustainable transport solutions.
Contact the Alliance – [email protected]