Pages tagged "western australia"
Nature Reserves Preservation Group Inc
NRPG Objectives
- Promote the preservation and restoration of nature reserves within the City of Kalamunda.
- Establish sub-groups within the City to take responsibility for the local bush reserves.
- Provide a forum for the expression of concerns on the environment and lifestyle within the City of Kalamunda.
- Support any bodies or associations having similar aims and concerns.
- Actively encourage the City Council and City residents to participate in the preservation of our environment.
- Ensure representation on Council by members sympathetic to these ideals.
- Participate through any Kalamunda City Council Working Parties in the management of nature reserves.
- Involve young people in the care of reserves.
- Offer education to community groups and schools in indigenous flora and fauna.
Men of the Trees Inc
Men of the Trees was founded in Kenya on 22 July 1922. Richard St Barbe Baker, a forestry officer in the colonial service, was employed to issue timber felling licences. But he had a conscience about the forests. He undertook long safaris through the rain forests to assess the annual increment of the trees with commercial value. He would never issue licences that allowed the forest to be cut other than on a sustained yield basis.
His research took him to the great bamboo forests and then eventually into the northern highlands of Kenya. Here he found a devastating situation. Instead of the lush tropical forests, he found sparse scrubland. He had come to the southern fringe of the Sahel. Here the native Kikuyu people followed the practise of ‘slash and burn’ agriculture. The land soon ceased to produce crops and the people would be forced to move on, clearing more scrub to grow their food and not restoring the cleared areas. Their traditional enemies, the Masai, called them ‘the forest destroyers’.
St Barbe held conferences with the tribal elders and eventually they agreed that trees were valuable and that the way to improve their land and avoid mass starvation was to revegetate. This great work began with a great Dance—the Dance of the Trees. That first great dance drew the participation of 3,000 Moran warriors. But before he would allow the dance to proceed St Barbe chose 50 volunteers who would become the first ’Watu wa Miti’ - Men of the Trees. Each member took a solemn oath to serve the principles of planting and caring for trees in order to save their land from desertification. Each upheld that promise, and the secret password ‘TWAHAMWE’ meaning “we are all one”.
Today, this idea has spread worldwide. Men of the Trees is now active in many countries including every mainland state of Australia. In Western Australia the Society has been active since 1979. Today more than 2000 members and volunteers collectively plant more than half a million trees in a season. In Western Australia we dedicate our greatest efforts to preventing desertification, erosion and salinity by planting masses of trees.
Contact details:
ABN: 96 502 440 135
PO Box 103 Guildford
Western Australia 6935
Telephone: (08) 9250 1888
Fascimile: (08) 9250 2735
Email: [email protected]
Margaret River Regional Environment Centre Inc
The Margaret River Regional Environment Centre was established in 2000 to provide and disseminate information for locals and tourists alike, about political, social, cultural and spiritual environmental happenings in this region.
Our centre has been developed to promote the values of conservation and awareness of our local environment and the world environment in general. We believe it is essential to strike a balance between the demands of growth and developmental pressure on the one hand against the need to preserve, protect and enhance our natural environment on the other.
We rely on the involvement and support of the local community for the purpose of achieving real outcomes for our natural environment. We operate through a model of participatory democracy, whereby the people involved in the centre on a day to day basis make the decisions for our centre.
Email: [email protected]
Leighton Action Coalition
The vision embraced by LAC and our many supporters is of a natural and rehabilitated dune system backed by parkland on the present Leighton marshalling yards. Easy and continuous beach access would be ensured through the retention of a traffic-calmed beach access road. The coastal reserve needs to be wide enough to accommodate the environmental and recreational needs of the Leighton coastal zone. Views from Stirling Highway and the railway would remain. Click here to see the community's concept plan.
Email: [email protected]
Leeuwin Environment Inc
Leeuwin Environment Inc. is a locally based community organisation working to promote awareness of the environmental and social issues affecting the Margaret River - Augusta region. From its inception in 1970 (as the Leeuwin Conservation Group) to protect the Blackwood River from sandmining, it has been a forum where citizens could air their concerns about the environmental and social implications of development, and bring about improvements.
Over the years the group has been involved in forest campaigning, coastal development, local planning, marine park establishment, mining, water management and dam development, burning programs, and recycling. It has managed major coastal rehabilitation projects at Boodjidup and Kilcarnup. It has a number of affiliations, and supports the environmental work of other groups.
Phone: 9757 9385
[email protected]
Joondalup Community Coast Care Forum
Joondalup Community Coast Care is a group of volunteers. We:
- monitor and comment on coastal development issues
- campaign for environmentally responsible management of beaches and coastal bushland,
- weed and replant degraded coastal reserves, and seek to preserve and enhance the biodiversity of the bushland along our beautiful coastline.
We welcome involvement by all ages within the community.
Joondalup Community Coast Care Forum is the incorporated umbrella group for three unincorporated coastcare "friends groups": Friends of Sorrento Beach, Friends of Mullaloo, and Friends of North Ocean Reef - Iluka Foreshore.
For Sorrento: Mike ph. 0438 710 527 email [email protected]
For Mullaloo: Sharon 0422 224 849 email [email protected]
For Iluka: Marjorie 0404 267 995 email [email protected]
Jarrahdale Forest Protectors
The Jarrahdale Forest Protectors (JFP) have been fighting to protect the Mundlimup Forest. Forest Products Commission (FPC) scheduled the area for logging but have delayed action and JFP now feel it is safe to say Mundlimup west of Blue Rock Road, including the Walk and Cycle Trails which were developed with the Department of Environment and the Jarrahdale Heritage Society are saved and that the forest surrounding Strilingia Road is safe for the foreseeable future. BUT this is yet to be confirmed in writing and JFP and Forest Rescue will continue to monitor the area closely and ensure the roading does not take place.
What did the locals say? The group has in the past 6 months conducted a survey of local residents which indicated that 88% of people did not want logging in the forest so close to their town. Questions have been asked in Parliament, Ministers have been written to, and many articles have been published on the plight of the forest. A petition was tabled in the Upper House and a parliamentary committee visited and made recommendation to FPC that it take into account the locals’ concerns. The Shire and the Department of Conservation (DEC) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to develop the Discovery Forest Concept which has an educational and research focus as well as tour-ism. Work has already begun with funding being sought for the information shelters which will be placed along the route. This will increase visitors to Jarrahdale and provide benefits for us all.
JFP have represented Mundlimup at various forums including the Walk Against Warming where Sheila Twine and Vicky Kerfoot wore the impressive tabards ensuring people know about the fight for the Jarrahdale forest.
JFP met with many representatives from all levels of Government. Gordon Graham A/CEO of the Conservation Commission was shown the extent of clearing of the forest from Alcoa’s operations and agreed that it was time again to speak to the relevant ministers. He was also shown the effect the Water Corporation’s Wungong Experiment is having on the Jarrah forest. The Conservation Commission are reviewing the prescription with DEC.
Three years ago Charles Kerfoot was amazed to come across a log whilst working in the forest. It was in one piece, 5 metres long, with a diameter of 1.8 metres and estimated to weigh 12 tonne when green. He was deter-mined that it should be preserved from wild-fire, prescribed burns and further deterioration. He felt it should be shown to future generations as an example of a Jarrah tree. Records show this size tree was common. The tree, estimated to be 400 years old, was probably cut down in the 1950s, found to be too large to move with available machinery and was left behind. It has weathered and been attacked by termites but is still an impressive sight. Phil Griffiths, Ian Nice, Rick Lynn with Charles Kerfoot have placed the log in position at the Jarrahdale Heritage Park.
To contact the Jarrahdale Forest Protectors, please email:
Inventors Association of WA
The aim of this group is to:
1) To encourage and assist State Associations to:
- promote ethical and professional standards of work and conduct among their members,
- to make surveys and studies, hold exhibitions, conferences, symposia, seminars and forums,
- present lectures and papers on matters and problems of interest,
- research and discuss problems relating to inventing and innovating, and
- to publish and distribute books, pamphlets, periodicals, papers and articles.
2) To represent the common interests of the State Associations and to deliver this representation to state and federal government bodies and other national organisations.
3) To encourage and assist in the formation and operation of organisations with similar objectives throughout Australia and the world.
The State Associations are independent bodies with complete control of their own finances, memberships and the election of their office bearers.
Email: [email protected]