The EPA has recommended that the proposed Wiluna uranium mine, 15 - 65km South East of Wiluna, in the East Murchison/ Northern Godlfields of WA be approved. This is a bad decision but not a final decision. It is now up to Appeals Convenor and the Minister for the Environment, Hon. Albert Jacob.
There is an appeal period open until the 29th of August in which you can lodge an appeal challenging the EPA decision. Join our submission writing workshop on Wednesday 14th of September from 5pm – 8pm at City West Lotteries House Conference Room – Ph. (08) 9420 7266 for details.
*** For background information go to where you can access the CCWA submission and with links to the EPA report. These will be available for you to look at - at the workshop, along with pens, paper, appeal forms and envelopes. You can also bring your computer to write and we can arrange for printing after the workshop.
*** Please note that lodging appeals costs $10 with the Office of the Appeals convener so please bring a $10 note with you or be prepared to lodge your credit card details in the appeal form.