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CCWA supports EPA recommendation that area bordering Brixton Street Wetlands should be protected

The Conservation Council of WA (CCWA), the state’s peak environmental conservation body, strongly supports the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) in its recommendation that the rezoning of 257ha in Kenwick should not proceed.

The land is a crucial buffer zone to the environmentally significant Greater Brixton Street Wetlands, which have been noted in a previous EPA report as ‘one of the most important and highly diverse wetland areas on the Swan Coastal Plain’.

The wetlands are home to over 650 plants species and 13 distinct vegetation communities, which support conservation significant fauna.

While the EPA recommended the rezoning not proceed, the Environment Minister and Planning Minister have the final say on the rezoning, which can still proceed if a number of implementation conditions are met.

CCWA is calling on the Minister for the Environment, Reece Whitby, and Minister for Planning, John Carey, to respect the recommendation of the EPA and not rezone the land for business development.

“The importance of the Greater Brixton Street Wetlands cannot be overstated” said Jess Beckerling, CCWA Executive Director.

“This area is not just home to outstanding botanical biodiversity, but is also a site where 20 threatened flora species have been located, alongside 57 priority species. It is home to the vulnerable Forest Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo, the endangered Carnaby’s Cockatoo, and Quenda.

“The wetlands must be securely and permanently protected, by turning the area into a Regional Park as scientists, specialists and community members have been calling for.”

The potential rezoning of the Kenwick land speaks to the importance of the role of the EPA in protecting WA’s natural heritage. The EPA is currently facing the threat of significant dismantling, as a result of sweeping changes that have not been subject to public consultation.

“This decision to knock back rezoning and potential development highlights the vital role that an independent EPA plays,” said Jess Beckerling.

“The proposed changes to the EPA from the Cook Government could fast-track future industrial projects like the rezoning of these precious wetlands and could result in further reckless demolition of WA’s world-renowned and vulnerable nature.”

“This example shows first-hand just how important a robust and strengthened EPA is in safeguarding areas of high environmental and cultural value."

“Our EPA must be protected from this proposed overhaul, and the wetlands must be securely and permanently protected from industrial development.”



MEDIA INFORMATION: The Conservation Council of WA (CCWA) is the state’s foremost nonprofit, non-government conservation organisation representing nearly 100 environmental organisations across Western Australia. For more information, visit:

CONTACT: For any enquiries relating to this release, please call 0412 272 570

Banner image credit: Nancye Miles-Tweedie.

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