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Peak environment group welcomes better protection for Abrolhos Islands

Western Australia’s peak environment group the Conservation Council of WA welcomes the State Government's proposal to develop a whole-of-government approach to the management of the Abrolhos Islands.


CCWA spokesperson Dr Nic Dunlop said, “At present the tourism industry in the Abrolhos operates outside any regulatory framework designed for the purpose. 

“There is no effective zoning of the islands to control the impact of recreational activities and no measurable biological conservation objectives for the terrestrial ecosystems.

“With the significant reduction in the number of A zone lobster fishers there are significant legacy issues emerging around the decommissioning of redundant camps and other fishing infrastructure, dumped waste, and ecological weeds.

“The need to decommission fishing camps also provides the opportunity to construct purpose-built tourism accommodation and other facilities on islands with existing anchorages, airstrips, and other infrastructure. 

“The Rock Lobster Fishery should not be allowed to dictate the pattern of development at the Abrolhos as it has done in the past.”

The State Budget includes $10 million to progress plans for the Abrolhos Islands.

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