We are so excited for our first ever nuclear news now being available through this blog and on social media! Nuclear News is a weekly newsletter of events and actions in WA of our nuclear free campaign and news updates from all over the world.
It's with great excitement that we can bring this first weekly nuclear news to you from this blog and our social media pages!
We are excited about tonight's UWA Public Forum, to hear from experts Prof Carmen Lawrence, Declan Doherty and Dr Hugh Finn about extinction, environmental law and the Yeelirrie legal action! Its going to be an epic download of information, speakers, videos and power point presentations!
There's only a few more tickets for sale online, otherwise you can pay at the door! Grab a ticket or two now to secure your seat! All Creatures Great and Small ~ Extinction, Environmental Law and the Yeelirrie Court Case. Free parking in all student car parks!
Thanks a million to all those that came and made calls to our supporters ~ we smashed through the list and held many important conversations to keep people updated with the nuclear free campaign. Stay tuned for more phone banking parties through out the year as its a wonderful way to keep people engaged!
We look forward to seeing you tonight and if not, out our many stalls and events in the near future!
Much respect
0401 909 332
P.S You can continue to spread the word to keep uranium in the ground by following and sharing our Facebook or Twitter posts.
TONIGHT! PUBLIC FORUM: all creatures great and small
extinction, environmental law & the Yeelirrie uranium mine
Wednesday 20 February 2019 UWA, Tattersall Lecture Theatre 6 pm - 7.30 pm
NANNUP STALL & TALK : Campaign Update, Yeelirrie Legal Action and More!
Stall from Friday 1 - Sunday 3 March 2019
Public Talk Sunday 3 March from 1 pm - 2 pm, Arboretum venue, Nannup Music Festival.

Keep WA Uranium Free Melbourne Event
Friends of the Earth Melbourne's Nuclear Free Collective
312 Smith St, Collingwood, upstairs (Friends of the Earth office) Wednesday, 13 March, 6.30‒8pm Snacks provided.
Please join us for a public meeting on Wednesday, March 13, from 6.30‒8pm at Friends of the Earth, Melbourne. Speakers include KA Garlick, CCWA, Dave Sweeney, ACF & Dr Jim Green, FOE about the staunch activism that is happening around Australia to stop this toxic industry! More Information Here.
Supreme Court of Appeal. Yeelirrie Legal Challenge
Court of Appeal at the Supreme Court, Barrack St Perth Tuesday 5 March 10.30 am
CCWA & Traditional Owners v Environment Minister, Hon Stephen Dawson MLC & Cameco Aust Pty Ltd
IPAN (The Independent and Peaceful Australia Network) Conference in Darwin
2-4th August, 2019
Australia at the cross-roads - time for an independent foreign policy
IPAN’s fifth national conference will provide an opportunity to increase public awareness of its aims and objectives, through conference attendance and media publicity. Darwin is the choice for IPAN’s 2019 national conference because it is the centre for the most recent establishment of a foreign military presence in Australia, namely the stationing of US marines in Darwin. More details here.
Please join with a load of other organisations and West Australians who reject the dangerous, thirsty and costly uranium industry and instead want a clean nuclear free future for WA. Sign the uranium free charter here today, and please share with all your friends and family! Let's keep it that way, because the risks and real and the threat persists. Uranium is unwanted, unsafe, and uneconomic.
Join with us to support the landmark court case that is protecting wildlife from extinction and upholding the rights of Traditional Owners to protect sacred lands in WA’s fragile desert country from unwanted uranium mining.
Tailings dams need 'nuclear level' safety: BHP BHP boss Andrew Mackenzie says it's time for the mining industry to bring tailings dams to "a nuclear level of safety".
New plan to keep Australian mining strong. The federal government wants to keep attracting resource investment, developing new markets and sharing the benefits of mining, according to a new plan.
SA boost for Olympic Dam expansion. The South Australian government has granted the expansion of the Olympic Dam project major development status.
Nuclear waste site selection process triggers mental health concerns, business boycotts and division, FOI documents reveal. Freedom of Information (FOI) documents reveal the Federal Government has been aware of potential mental health issues, from as early as 2017, caused by the search for a site to store the nation's nuclear waste.
FOI documents reveal mental health concerns arising from potential nuclear waste facility FOI documents also reveal the Federal Government knows the process is creating division in small towns and causing some businesses to be boycotted.
Family accepts Lifetime Achiever Award in Eileen's honour. Four years after her passing, legendary anti-nuclear campaigner Eileen Wani Wingfield has been honoured posthumously at the 2018 SA Environment Awards.
NSW 'accounting trick' lets miners dodge appropriate rehabilitation costs. Exclusive: Lock the Gate accuses state government of placing interests of mining sector over those of taxpayers
Radon risk: A global estimate of radon’s contribution to lung cancer. Environmental Health Perspectives is an Open Access journal published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
Lawsuit on Enriched Uranium Operations at Y12. OREPA, Nuclear Watch New Mexico and co-plaintiffs filed a Motion for Summary Judgment with the federal court in our lawsuit challenging the Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration's failure to prepare adequate analysis of the risks to the public and the environment from the ongoing enriched uranium operations at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, TN.
Should Utah cities turn to nuclear energy? A state lawmaker thinks so, but environmentalists say it’s a bad idea. Citing waste and economic concerns, a group of environmental advocates is opposing a resolution moving through the state Legislature.
Pentagon’s secret underground tunnels of MOBILE NUCLEAR bases REVEALED. The US government built a fully-functioning mobile nuclear base below the ice of Greenland in preparation for war, it was revealed during a documentary.
France to build ‘unstoppable’ HYPERSONIC NUKES to replace ageing nuclear armoury France is set to build a state-of-the-art armoury of hypersonic weapons capable of travelling more than 3,800mph, in a bid to upgrade their ageing nuclear arsenal as they fall behind other world military powers.
North Korea trying to keep its nuclear missiles safe from US strikes, says UN report Measures said to include using civilian facilities to make and test missiles
TEPCO firmly at fault for balking at payouts to disaster victims. Nearly eight years have passed since the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster, yet many victims seeking compensation for damages from Tokyo Electric Power Co., operator of the crippled nuclear plant, face uncertainty as the talks are getting nowhere. This is an outrageous situation.
Japan's Reconstruction Agency to air ad for Fukushima products on TV, online and at cinemas. The Reconstruction Agency said Friday that it will run a television commercial advertising farm, fishery and forestry products made in Fukushima Prefecture for about a week from Saturday.
Russia, China back nuclear as a clean-power fix for Africa For now, South Africa is the only country on the continent operating a nuclear power plant.
Uganda to generate nuclear energy amidst safety, environmental concerns. Uganda is in the final stages of efforts to start generating some 2000 megawatts of electricity from five nuclear plants it plans to build in five districts scattered in the country’s four geographical regions
Listen to this weeks Radioactive Show on 3CR for nuclear issues around Australia. For all WA environment news check out Understorey on RTR FM.
A massive thanks to Jim Green and Christina Macpherson for sharing the news this week. For further information: www.antinuclear.net, www.nuclear-news.net, https://nuclearinformation.wordpress.com/ http://nucnews.com/whatsnew.php www.nucleartownhall.com/ www.no2nuclearpower.org.uk/news/ www.gdfwatch.org.uk/international-media-articles-and-news-stories/
The Conservation Council of WA is an independent, not-for-profit organisation - we are apolitical and are supported by voluntary donations. If you would like to contribute to help fund CCWA's work, please donate now! You can unsubscribe or update your email preferences at any time. You are receiving this email because you took action online or at an event.
Our team acknowledges that we meet and work on the land of the Nyoongar people. We pay respect to their Elders - past, present, and future - and acknowledge the important role all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people continue to play in advancing a more sustainable Western Australia.