Gas pollution problem is costing jobs and harming the environment
Conservation groups have responded to the announcement that the Chevron Wheatstone LNG project has reached a milestone, by releasing images of pollution and gas flaring at the facility, and calling for controls to be imposed on pollution from the facility. The Wheatstone LNG project will be the state’s largest source of carbon pollution when in full operation.
CCWA Director Piers Verstegen said Chevron was Western Australia’s largest polluter, and had a responsibility to the local and global community to clean up its act.
“When in full production, figures provided to the EPA by Chevron show the facility will release 10 million tonnes of carbon pollution every year for the life of the project. This will make Wheatstone the biggest emitter in WA.
“Currently there are no limits in place controlling pollution from the Wheatstone LNG facility.
“While gas companies claim their product is a clean fuel, we are now dealing with the reality that LNG production in WA is rapidly driving up Australia’s carbon pollution.
“Today’s announcement signals an increase in profits for overseas shareholders, while Chevron dumps more and more pollution here in WA.
“The lack of effective controls on Chevron’s pollution means the company can pollute with impunity, which is changing the climate and costing jobs for Western Australians.
“We are calling on the State Government to stop letting the state’s largest polluter off the hook, and instead hold this company to account.
“Chevron must be required to reduce and offset its pollution through planting trees, environmental restoration, and investing in renewable energy.
“This would mean Chevron would send less of its huge profits offshore, and instead we would generate more jobs and investment for Western Australia.
“Chevron pays no tax or royalties to the State Government for the gas it exports.
“Requiring the company to clean up its pollution by making investments in tree planting and renewable energy here in WA would deliver a win-win for the economy and the environment.
“It’s time the State Government got serious about controlling pollution from the gas industry.”
Photos: The flare from Chevron's Wheatstone LNG facility in Onslow can be seen from around 100km away