It’s been a high stakes month for our environment and wildlife, and people like you have demonstrated incredible determination and resilience.
No matter where you live, you have made a strong stand for our collective future. Thank you!
Read on to find out the Planning Minister’s decision on Point Peron, the outcome of our Supreme Court action on the Yeelirrie uranium proposal, and how you can protect Ningaloo!
A message from Piers about the Planning Minister’s decision on Point Peron:
“You did it! Planning Minister Rita Saffioti has just announced her decision: the Mangles Bay Marina at Point Peron will not go ahead.
In the past month alone, over 5000 of you asked the Minister to save the Little Penguins and Point Peron. You never stopped emailing, calling, and asking your friends to take action.
To join in the celebrations, you might like to share this post on Facebook or Twitter.
Congratulations to Minister Saffioti for making the right decision, Hands Off Point Peron for their tireless work over the years, and to you for taking action.
This campaign demonstrates that passion and perseverance pays off. Without local community action to defend the environment, this outcome would not have been achieved!”
A message from Sarah about the WA Government’s proposed plastic ban:
“Have you noticed how plastic has become a hot topic lately? Every time I’m out, I hear people discussing how serious the problem is, and saying ‘no’ to plastic bags, straws, and disposable cups.
It’s all over the media too. You may have seen us on Today Tonight the other day, discussing the proposed plastic ban for WA, and why we’d like to see it extended to straws, balloons, and other items.
The good news is, Environment Minister Stephen Dawson said he would consider extending the ban to additional items if there’s enough public support.
So now’s your chance! What would you like to see banned? Make your submission here!”
A message from Tim Winton about the launch of Protect Ningaloo:
"It doesn’t seem that long ago, but it’s nearly 20 years since the historic Save Ningaloo Reef campaign.
Back then 100,000 Australians stepped up to save one of the world’s last great wild places. 15,000 people marched through the streets of Freo and now the Reef and nearby Cape Range are on the World Heritage list.
It was a massive achievement and I was proud to be a part of it.
Ningaloo isn’t just a natural wonder. It’s a nature-lover’s paradise and an eco-tourism hotspot. People come from all over the world to see the brilliant corals and swim with whale sharks.
But Ningaloo faces a new threat and this time it’s from the oil and gas industry.
A multinational corporation wants to build a 400-hectare gas pipeline facility on the shores of Exmouth Gulf. Subsea 7 wants to launch gas pipes into the foraging grounds of endangered dugongs and turtles, then drag them north through the humpback whale nursery and out through World Heritage waters of the marine park.
Once again, it’s up to ordinary people to band together to protect a world treasure.
To learn more and get involved, please visit the Protect Ningaloo website and Facebook page."
A message from KA about the Supreme Court decision on the Yeelirrie challenge:
“This month we were deeply disappointed that our Supreme Court action challenging the Yeelirrie uranium proposal was unsuccessful. However, because of the massive public interest in keeping WA nuclear free we have renewed strength and commitment in the campaign to stop the four proposed uranium mines.
Today we stand knowing that community efforts have been successful in preventing any uranium mines operating in WA, despite two terms of a pro-uranium Government. We will continue to work with Traditional Owners to keep WA nuclear free, and we are confident that despite the Supreme Court decision we will continue to be successful in that goal.
Vicky Abdullah, Tjiwarl Native Title Holder, said, “This is a very disappointing and sad day for our people, our land, and our future… It’s a bad decision, but it’s not the end decision.”
Together with the represented Tjiwarl members, we wish to send a massive thank you to each and every one of you that supported this Supreme Court action.
Subscribe here to find out what happens next, and what actions to take!”
A message from Kris about the WA fracking inquiry:
“This week I joined some of you at the Perth public meeting held by the Independent Scientific Panel Inquiry into fracking in WA, where we shared our views with panel members and pro-fracking industry representatives.
At my table, we raised concerns about the long term and short term effects of fracking-related pollution on our health and the environment, and about regulations being a poor mechanism for protecting us and the world we live in.
The deadline for our public submissions is approaching fast, but if you’re like me, you probably still have a lot of questions about fracking.
That’s why I’m attending the Fracking Q&A on Thu 15 Mar, to have my questions answered by the experts (like the internationally recognised Prof. Tony Ingraffea from New York), and to get help writing my own submission. RSVP here to join me!”
A message from Bea about our Citizen Science program:
“I have just joined the Citizen Science team as the Communications Officer, and am looking forward to meeting some of you at our upcoming events. If you’d like to hear from me each month and stay up-to-date on the program, you can sign up for updates here! Stay tuned for our new Facebook page too - we’ll share the link with you shortly, and look forward to chatting to you!”
And a taste of what’s to come…
South Coast Festival of Birds: Month of March at Multiple Locations
Urban Bushland Council AGM: 6 Mar at 6pm at City West Lotteries House, West Perth
Rad Tour WA 2018: 9 - 21 Mar Ban Uranium Mining Permanently (BUMP) Roadtrip across WA
1 Year On - Call to Action and Commemoration: 11 Mar at 2pm at Cockburn Wetlands Centre, Bibra Lake
Fracking Q&A: 15 Mar at 7pm at Fox Lecture Theatre at the University of WA, Crawley
GreenScreens Outdoor Movie Night: 18 Mar at 7pm at Northbridge Plaza, Northbridge
Stand up for the Forests Petition Handover: 21 Mar at 11.45am at the Parliament of Western Australia, West Perth
Thank you for everything you do for our wildlife and environment - we’re so grateful to have you in our community!
See you soon,
Sarah and the team at CCWA
P.S. If you’re working on an environmental issue and would like advice, resources, or to set up an online action through us, check out our new community campaigns tool!