Come and join the action to help protect country and culture from the threat of uranium mining at Mulga Rock.
When: Friday 26 November 2021
Time: 10.30 am
Where: Quest South Perth Foreshore, 22 Harper Ter, South Perth WA
What: Protest Vimy Resources AGM
Vimy Resources have announced their Annual General Meeting and we want to show them (again!) that their Mulga Rock uranium project is uneconomic and unwanted!
Recently Vimy Resources received their Mine Plan and Mine Closure Plan approvals.
With each approval we are another step closer to a uranium mine we desperately don't want! We need to tell Vimy that this is far from a done deal and we will continue to challenge this toxic industry!
We need to remind them they still don't have ~ finance to develop the mine, they don't have a final investment decision from their board and they don't have an Indigenous Land Use Agreement with the Upurli Upurli Nuratja Native Title Claim group.
They also don’t yet have a works approval, yet Vimy is telling their shareholders that they will “substantially commence” mining by the 16th of December to fulfil their environmental approval conditions.
We think that this is absurd and dangerously destructive to start clearing land and damaging country to try to demonstrate “substantial commencement” when there is no funding and no final approval and most importantly no agreement with the Native Title claim group and other interested First Nations communities.
Join with First Nations people to stand up to this company and its destructive and toxic project that represents a very real environmental and economic risk to WA. What is more dangerous than a uranium mine is an uneconomic uranium mine?
If there is one anti-nuclear action you take this year let it be at Vimy’s AGM, Quest South Perth Foreshore, 22 Harper Ter, South Perth WA Friday 26 November 10.30 am. Be there! Be loud! Bring friends and banners! We don’t need uranium!
Our future is renewable not radioactive!