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This morning, the Economics and Industry Standing Committee Inquiry into the WA Domestic Gas Policy tabled its Final Report in WA Parliament.

In response, Fossil Fuels Program Coordinator at the Conservation Council of WA Liam Lilly said:

“WA’s gas industry is driving up domestic and global emissions at a time when they need to be rapidly reducing.

“We welcome the final report’s recommendation for a ban on the export of any onshore gas. We further call on the WA government to extend that ban to all fracking proposals in WA.

“The committee has found that Woodside’s Pluto project contributes just 2% of its overall product to the domestic market - far from keeping the lights on at home, Woodside profits from gas exports that are no good for WA.

“We welcome the committee’s acknowledgement that gas export demand will need to decrease in line with requirements to reduce emissions.

“We support the calls coming from WA unions for a transition plan for an exit from gas in WA. This is a responsible proposal, both to secure the training and skills needed for workers and to communicate that there is an end date for fossil fuels in WA.

“The report has acknowledged that public sentiment towards the gas sector in Australia has become increasingly unfavourable, and that WA LNG exports must drastically reduce if we are to have any chance of meeting state goals of net zero by 2050.

“Western Australia does not need new gas - gas is not a transition fuel, but diverts investment away from renewable energy. There is no future with gas.”


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