Learn more during the annual BGANZ Botanic Garden Open Day, which will be held across Australia and New Zealand on Sunday 28 May, 2017.
The Botanic Gardens Australia and New Zealand Inc (BGANZ) is the chief body representing the interests of botanic gardens in Australia and New Zealand. BGANZ promotes the interests and activities of Australian and New Zealand botanic gardens and botanic gardens generally and promotes botanic gardens for the benefit of the community.
As a public park, Kings Park and Botanic Garden is free and open to visitors 24 hours a day, every day of the year. We encourage you to come along and join in one of many activities our park offers.
Free Guided Discovery Walks are held daily in Kings Park and Botanic Garden on a variety of topics by the award winning Kings Park Guides. The 'Botanic Garden Walk' runs all year round and is a fun way to discover the glorious diversity of the plants to be found from the coast to the desert, from the rugged north to the southern forests.
If you prefer to explore the gardens at your own pace, the Botanic Garden Anniversary Adventures were tailored for each month of the year will be a great guidance. You can explore odd plants, water art, treetop views, tall timbers and our star attractions. Since the early years, the Pioneer Women's Memorial has played centre stage in the WA Botanic Garden. The landscape has now grown to include many of the State's most iconic landmarks, including the Lotterywest Federation Walkway, the Water Garden, the beautiful Roe Gardens and the Place of Reflection.
Come and find out more about Kings Park and Botanic Garden this autumn! For more information, please visit the Official Event Page.