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Express interest in becoming a member

Who can become a CCWA member?

We welcome membership applications from community organisations that share a commitment to nature conservation and environmental protection in Western Australia.

By becoming a member of the Conservation Council of WA, your organisation will be part of a vibrant, democratic network of nearly 100 community environmental organisations.

Your group will have the opportunity to work alongside other member groups, contribute to state-wide environmental campaigns, shape organisational policy and access our services and support.

View our current Member Groups here >

Benefits of becoming a CCWA member group

In your corner, on your side

  • We promote positive change to legislation and policy for a more sustainable WA
  • We help make government and industry accountable by ensuring transparency and ensuring conservation has a strong voice which continues to be heard
  • We meet regularly with ministers, politicians and government agencies highlighting member concerns and issues
  • As the peak environment body within the state, we are the first point of contact for independent comment on environmental and sustainability issues in the media
  • CCWA representatives sit on a number of government-appointed committees and consultation groups

Advice and support when it counts

  • We strive to provide access to political and media contacts to ensure that your voice is heard
  • Strategic campaign advice and access to advocacy tools
  • We can help with queries relating to legislation, policy, and writing submissions
  • We provide training sessions, workshops, and seminars to help build skills and capacity, and to discuss current environment and sustainability issues

Benefit from our extensive network and contacts

  • We have an extensive environmental network and can put you in contact with other environment groups so you can share ideas, strategies, resources, and expertise
  • We maintain relationships with industry and other peak civil society organisations
  • We keep you up to date with the latest news from our sector, including email updates, seminars and events

Celebrating your work and your achievements with you

  • We can help promote your group and its activities through our website, social media, and our extensive network
  • All members have an opportunity to nominate for the annual CCWA Western Australian Community Conservation Awards

If you would like to discuss membership, please reach out to us at [email protected]