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Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for the Little Penguin

The Climate Adaption Strategy for the Little Penguin (Edyptula Minor) examines the impacts of climate change on the already dwindling little penguin population on Penguin Island. The strategy also proposes a number of measures to support the population and encourage its growth.

The Penguin Island class ‘A’ conservation park is the most northerly colony on earth and recognised as being of national significance, with the highest conservation status of all colonies in Australia. Little penguins also have the highest conservation and threat status of all marine fauna in WA. Between 2007 and 2019, the number of penguins in the colony is estimated to have decreased by around 80 per cent, a dramatic decline in a population which was once home to approximately 1,500 birds – the largest number anywhere in Western Australia.

Funded by the State NRM, the little penguins project aims to implement those conservation projects and initiatives proposed in the climate change adaption strategy.