C.R.E.W. stands for Clearwater Revival East Wanneroo. It formed after the the first draft strategy was published in 2004 for proposed re-zoning of East Wanneroo. There was a group of residents who become concerned that the issue of development on land classified as medium to high risk acid sulphate soils that could cause contamination was not addressed in document, the issue was mentioned in a brief sentence.
Like other members of the public we were aware of the dangers these soils posed especially when disturbed for development purposes. We had read countless reports on ecological disasters where there had been poisoning of both groundwater and soil. Around that time the city of Stirling had a major crisis on their hands due to development on acid sulphate soils in their city. Not being scientists we thought it prudent to seek clarification from those in the scientific community who had expertise on acid sulphate soils in the East Wanneroo area. We wanted to see if the threat was real or imagined regarding the land being proposed for development. Doing so would enable us to decide whether or not resident's in the area should be concerned about the disturbance of acid sulphate soil in East Wanneroo, given that bore water was the only source of water for many residents and market gardens used this bore water to grow their vegetables.
After talking to a number of scientists we realised the problem was very real and so set about to inform residents by arranging a public talk at the Wanneroo council by these scientists, this meeting gave about two hundred residents the opportunity to question the experts about this subject and make an informed opinion.
For more information, please visit our website.