Media Release – Tuesday June 16, 2015 Western Australia’s peak environment group has backed the announcement by Hon. Albert Jacob, Minister for the Environment, confirming that the State Government will not allow recreational hunting in the states National Parks and other public lands.
Conservation Council Director Piers Verstegen said “The thousands of people who visit WA’s parks and nature reserves every year can now breathe a sigh of relief that they will not be at risk from recreational shooting on public lands.
“The evidence never supported the case for opening up our public lands for recreational hunting, and it is pleasing that Minister Jacob has now confirmed that there will be no hunting trials in WA’s national parks and other public lands.
“Conservation Groups support responsible, targeted measures to control pest and feral animals, however recreational hunting in National Parks and public lands is not an effective solution.
“Many groups raised concerns about the proposal for hunting on public lands as part of the Parliamentary Committee investigation into this proposal.
“Chief among those concerns was risks to members of the public, concerns over the treatment of animals, and strong evidence that recreational hunting can increase feral animal problems in our natural environment.
“It is good to see that the state Government has confirmed it does not support hunting on public lands and that it will not allow recreational hunting trials to go ahead.
“Conservation groups strongly support this decision which will be a relief to the thousands of people who use and love our natural environment.”
Comment - Piers Verstegen: 0411 557 892