Doctors for the Environment Australia is a voluntary organisation of medical doctors in all states and territories. We work to address the diseases – local, national and global – caused by damage to the earth’s environment. For example, climate change will bring to Australia an increased burden of heat stroke, injury from fire and storm, infectious diseases and social disruption and mental illness, whilst in the developing world it will bring famine and water shortage.
The medical profession has a proud record of service to the community. This record not only includes personal clinical care, but also involvement in global issues that threaten the future of humanity. We aim to use our scientific and medical skills to educate governments and industry, the public and our colleagues by developing educational materials such as Policies and Posters and by direct contact, in the endeavour to highlight the medical importance of our natural environment. To our patients we try to provide a role model in the care of the environment for this is part of a preventative health ethos.