Stratton Bushland is a stopping place and feeding area for the Threatened Carnaby's Cockatoo.
It is not currently a reserve, and Friends of Stratton Bushland are calling for it's protection.
Other birds and animals are also abundant. Also living in Stratton Bushland are: Kangaroos, Red-tailed Black Cockatoos, Stumpies, Magpies, Twenty-Eights, snakes ... and yes, even echidnas.
Stratton Bushland is land held by Homeswest, at lot 6 Talbot Road.
It is over 16 ha of diverse bushland, adjacent to Talbot Road Reserve, which is a BushForever site. The area lies on the Guildford landform which is under represented in Bush Forever, with less than 10% in conservation reserves.
It contains plant communities of national significance, including two critically endangered plant communities listed by the State Government, and also by the Federal Government. It is also thought to contain a transitional zone of significance. Stratton Bushland also has rare and priority species: four priority plant taxa, and at least two species of endangered fauna, Carnaby’s Cockatoo and the Forest Red- tailed Black Cockatoo. Both species of black Cockatoo are listed under both State and Federal legislation
The area includes a significant stand of Marri, which provide critical habitat for the Black Cockatoos. Stratton Bushland also includes majestic specimens of huge old growth Jarrah, which provide habitat for many species of fauna. Such old growth trees are now extremely rare on the coastal plain.
Friends of Stratton Bushland are working towards having this important conservation area annexed to Talbot Road Bushland, and incorporated into the Bush Forever register. Now is an excellent opportunity for this to happen, as there are no development applications over the area.
Email: [email protected]