The Friends of the Western Swamp Tortoise will be holding their Annual General Meeting on Saturday 24 September 2016 at 10.30am at Panda Cottage, Selby Street, Wembley.
We are very excited and privileged to have Dr Nicki Mitchell from the School of Animal Biology at the University of Western Australia as a guest speaker for this meeting. You may have seen footage on ABC TV last week of the first ever translocation release of the Western Swamp Tortoise. Nicki and her team, over several years, have been gathering scientific evidence to facilitate this translocation. She has agreed to help us understand why this step has been taken, and confirm that this innovative strategy has strong science behind it. Our Vice Chairperson, Tanya, also attended the release, and will be able to show us some photos of the event.
After the talk and meeting, please join us for a light lunch. We would appreciate acceptances for catering purposes.