It’s Plastic Free July, and I'm challenging myself to find alternatives to single use plastic for an entire month - and to write a daily blog on the most interesting parts of the experience. Today I visited Kakulas Sister in Fremantle for the first time.
Thanks to everyone who recommended Kakulas Sister in Fremantle! I visited it for the first time today, and it was great to have so many plastic free options. I bought some loose fruit and nuts, scooping only the amounts I needed into brown paper bags.
I was surprised to see rolls of single use plastic bags on offer alongside the paper bags, and it would be interesting to know how popular each option is with customers. By looking at their reorder records, Kakulas Sister would be able to tell us if people are increasingly choosing to go plastic free.
I imagine they would be, but it’s always interesting to look at the correlation between increased awareness through initiatives like Plastic Free July and War on Waste and real life behaviour change.
What’s your favourite grocery shop? Let me know in the comments!