A great garden begins with the soil. If you are starting out with a new garden, this workshop will give you the skills you need to prepare your soil to get the best results and rewards from your garden.
What you will learn in this workshop:
Learn to make the best of what base soil type you have
A look at soil structure & why that is important
Soil nutrition - what plants need to thrive, and how to provide that nutrition
How to avoid the pitfalls and expensive mistakes in establishing a garden
Keeping up soil fertility
The importance of the correct microbial balance in your soil
Bring along a small soil sample or two for pH testing, and if time permits samples can be viewed under the microscope to look at microbial activity.
Includes take home notes and afternoon tea.
Registration: greenlifesoil.worldsecuresystems.com/BookingRetrieve.aspx?ID=255026