New Environmental Legislation for WA: Understanding the Biodiversity Conservation and Aquatic Resources Management Bills
Date: Friday, 23 September
Time: 12.30pm-4.45pm
Location: Joondalup Campus: Building 8, Room 8.101
Hosted by ECU's Centre for Ecosystem Management. Opening Address by Hon Albert Jacob MLA, WA Minister for Environment; attendance by Chris Tallentire MLA, WA Shadow Minister for Environment and stakeholders from government, industry and non-government agencies.
Are you interested in understanding how new state legislation might impact on terrestrial and aquatic conservation in Western Australia? Hosted by ECU's Centre for Ecosystem Management, this event will examine the features of two key pieces of legislation, and their strengths and weaknesses, including a Q&A session with a panel of experts.
RSVP essential for catering purposes (dietary requirements) [email protected]