The 2016 World Love for Dolphin Day is taking place on Saturday 13th February.
People from around the globe will be gathering on this day to show their love for dolphins and to bring attention to the issue of dolphin captivity and drive hunts that take place in locations such as Taiji, Japan.
As another season of dolphin slaughter draws to a close, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is calling on volunteers, supporters and concerned individuals around the world to join with us and our Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians as we show our love for dolphins and call for an end to the captive dolphin trade that funds the slaughter of cetaceans in Taiji’s infamous cove.
On Saturday, February 13, Sea Shepherd will teach the world about the link between captivity and the cove and encourage local businesses to stop supporting the hunt with peaceful World Love for Dolphins Day demonstrations across North America and overseas. Sea Shepherd chapters will host demos at local businesses that profit directly from the dolphin slaughter by trading on their surviving family members and stand in solidarity with Sea Shepherd’s volunteer Cove Guardians currently on the ground in Taiji. On Valentine's weekend, animal lovers across the globe will show the world that there is nothing to love about captivity.
We will meet in the Northbridge Piazza at 10am. Once gathered we will peacefully walk to the Flight Centre in Hay street to deliver them a letter of request to cease selling holidays including tickets to SeaWorld ( In order to end the slaughter, we must end the global demand for captive cetaceans.
Please come along and join us to show your love for dolphins.
Posters wil be available to you to print at home and we will share those documents as soon as they become available to us. You can also bring along posters from previous world love for dolphin day protests or individually created signs. We ask for posters building on the message we wish to communicate, and ask that it is respectful.
Event details are:
Where: Saturday 13th Feb
When: 10am-midday
Northbridge Piazza
Lake St & James Street, Northbridge WA 6003
Walking through to 729 Hay Street (Flight Centre)