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Yeelirrie - the fight is just beginning

State and National environment organisations have reinforced their strong opposition to the planned Yeelirrie uranium mine following the release of Cameco’s Public Environment Review (PER). 

Dave Sweeney, Nuclear Free Campaigner from the Australian Conservation Foundation said “Cameco have clearly stated that uranium projects are not feasible with the current uranium price. The release of the PER is about a paper approval, this project is a long way from a done deal.

“There is longstanding and ongoing opposition from many Aboriginal people and other stakeholders. Seeking to advance a project that is not viable and where the company has no short to medium term development plans is reckless and unreasonable.”

“The Walkatjurra Walkabout just weeks ago walked through Yeelirrie and heard very moving testimonies from local pastoralists and Aboriginal elders who are united in the opposition to the project.”

Mia Pepper from the Conservation Council of WA said “This is a ‘smash and grab’ that totally disregards the concerns of the community and does little to minimise environmental damage. Cameco plan to cut the life of the mine in half by doubling the impact area and the risk of dust compared with previous plans for the ore body.”

“Cameco having a shocking record overseas and face court in Canada and the US this year over tax avoidance charges.”

The company’s operations in Canada have been criticised by Canadian regulators who have said “When you put the pieces together, they build a story of really fundamental issues about the competence of the company.'' Prof. Christopher Barnes, geologist and Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission member, 2003.

For further comment:

Dave Sweeney 0408317812


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