August has been massive. Maybe you spent the month walking on country with Traditional Owners against uranium mining. Maybe you painted signs or made calls in preparation for the Frack Free People’s Rally. Maybe you donated to the crowdfunding campaign to support the Yeelirrie court case. Or maybe you met with your MP in the lead up to the WA Labor Conference.
Whatever you did, however you did it, it worked: WA Labor Conference delegates have confirmed their commitment to the environment in a number of areas; the Supreme Court will hear the case against the Yeelirrie uranium mine approval in November; and the State Government is asking for community input on the design of WA’s container deposit scheme.
And that’s just the beginning… Here are your highlights narrated by the CCWA team!
A message from Piers about the WA Labor Conference:
“This year’s WA Labor State Conference - the first to be held under the McGowan Government - would be a key test of WA Labor’s commitment on the environment, climate change and fracking.
In the weeks before we had met with as many delegates as we could, but we knew that with industry lobbyists active behind the scenes it could have gone either way.
But on Saturday 26 August, you made it clear that our incredible community cannot be ignored. Hundreds of you rallied outside the conference and created a social media storm, dominating the conference hashtag #WeAreWALabor!
The enormous show of public support convinced delegates to back communities and the environment.
Thanks to your support and action: WA Labor confirmed their commitment to fracking bans in Perth, Peel, Swan Valley, and the South West; supported the Paris Climate Change Agreement and action on climate change; and endorsed stronger biodiversity protection laws.
I’m proud to be part of such an inspiring community, and know that together, we can achieve so much more for our beautiful state!”
A message from Sarah about Plastic Free WA:
“We were excited to hear that the State Government is now asking for comments on the container deposit scheme! The scheme is expected to be delivered in 2019, and will provide a 10 cent refund for each drink container. As most of our containers end up in landfill or polluting the environment, recycling refunds will significantly reduce plastic pollution in WA.
To make the scheme as successful as possible, please comment and ask others to comment too. You can read the discussion paper, take the survey, or even email a longer submission to [email protected]”
A message from KA about Nuclear Free WA:
“Walkatjurra Walkabout finished its one month walk today, led by Tjiwarl Native Title holders Shirley Wonyabong, Elizabeth Wonyabong, and Vicky Abdullah. It was incredible to see fifty people out on country, listening, learning, and sharing stories from all over the world about keeping uranium in the ground.
The 320km walk started from the gates of proposed Wiluna uranium mine, walking to the gates of Cameco's proposed Yeelirrie uranium mine, to finish strongly in Leonora today.
Finishing this morning we heard the great news that the Supreme Court would hear our case against the Yeelirrie uranium mine approval on the 14th of November. This legal challenge in the Supreme Court is a historic moment for traditional owners and for keeping WA nuclear free. Please donate today as we still need to cover court costs, and would be so grateful if you could help us in any way - big or small.”
PHOTO: Piers Verstegen (Director, CCWA), Declan Doherty (Principal Solicitor, EDO), and Sarah Flynn (Intern, EDO) on 30 August with the affidavit about to be submitted to the Supreme Court
A message from Monica about Frack Free Future:
“On Saturday 26 August, hundreds of you travelled from all over the state to join the Frack Free People’s Rally outside the WA Labor Conference. There you delivered a clear message to WA Labor and the McGowan Government- fracking has no place in Western Australia.
Delegates supported a policy reiterating the WA Labor election commitments on gas fracking, including a permanent ban on gas fracking in Perth, Peel, Swan Valley, and South West.
The policy also confirmed that WA Labor would consider further fracking bans in sensitive areas following the outcome of an inquiry that was promised before the election, but is yet to be announced by the McGowan Government. Congratulations to all - and watch this space!”
And a taste of what’s to come…
Thank you for everything you do for our wildlife and environment - we’re so glad you’re in our community!
See you soon,
Sarah and the team at CCWA