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CCWA General Meeting


The Conservation Council of WA is pleased to invite you to our second General Meeting of 2017, which will take place on Monday 14 August at 6pm.

Please join us as we meet with our President Carmen Lawrence and Director Piers Verstegen, for an update on CCWA’s campaigns and advocacy activities under the new Labor Government.

We will also hear from the latest Citizen Science research, discuss the Yeelirrie Supreme Court action, and learn about the new Plastic Free WA alliance and more.

As always, there will be ample opportunity to share information about what your group is up to, and to network with other Council delegates at the meeting.

This meeting is also open to the public, so you’re welcome to invite others who may be interested. Light refreshments will be provided.

August 14, 2017 at 6:00pm - 8pm
City West Lotteries House
2 Delhi St
Conference Room 7
West Perth, WA 6005
Google map and directions
Sarah English ·

Will you come?