Who We Are:
The Swan Estuary Reserves Action Group Inc. was formed in 2010 in response to a pressing need for action to ensure the long-term health and well-being of three very special areas in the Swan River Estuary that have been set aside by the wider community as A-Class Reserves. Members volunteer their time and expertise to restore and strengthen the resilience of native habitat in each of the Reserves.
Join Us:
To become a member, a person must support SERAG Inc.'s two objectives:
- Enhance the long-term ecological health of the Swan River Estuary A-Class Reserves and adjacent river parks for the benefit of native fauna and for the enjoyment of current and future generations of the Perth Community.
- Support the managing authorities and those organisations involved in the restoration of the natural environment of the Swan River Estuary.
Joining SERAG Inc. does not necessarily involve any commitment of time. Participation in our various projects and activities is always warmly welcomed, but entirely voluntary.
By becoming a member, a person is expressing support for our objectives, and thereby strengthening our capacity to attract vital funding for restoration work. This alone is a great reason to join!