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The Nullarbor

The Nullarbor is home to a hidden world of ancient underground caves and rock formations that are not only stunning but also hold immense scientific, cultural, and environmental value.

The Nullarbor Plain is the land of the Mirning people, and we respect the rights and interests of the Mirning people to determine future land uses on their Country.

A large scale industrial development has been proposed on Mirning Country, called the Western Green Energy Hub. This project would start at the South Australian border and stretch west along the Nullarbor Plain for hundreds of kilometres. The project plans to fuel the production of green hydrogen and make green ammonia for export.

If a project or development (action) will impact certain nationally significant (protected matters) animals, plants, habitats or places, it is referred to the federal Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) to assess under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999 (EPBC Act). Once a proposed action is referred to DCCEEW, it goes through a referral and assessment process.

The Western Green Energy Hub project was recently open for public comment, as part of a referral process. 

Public comment was sought on whether or not the project should be assessed as a 'controlled action'A 'controlled action' is a decision made by the Environment Minister under the EPBC Act when a proposed project/action may have a significant impact on Matters of National Environmental Significance (defined as 'controlled actions'), meaning it requires further scrutiny before proceeding. 

It is crucial that this project undergo a full environmental assessment, ensuring that the voices of the Mirning people are heard and their rights are respected throughout the process.

After thoroughly reviewing the project documents, CCWA asserted that the project should be assessed a 'controlled action.' We are particularly concerned about the risks to the caves, as well as the risks associated with ammonia production and hydrogen transport.

The public comment period has now closed. 

This website will be updated with the next action soon.

Image by Save the Nullarbor. Save the Nullarbor is a CCWA Member Group - a group of people who hold deep respect and reverence for the Nullarbor Mirning Country and connected Sea Country, and are passionate about protecting the environment.

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