Are you actively working for climate action and find yourself confronted by nuclear power issues? Do you want to learn more about the risks of nuclear power in a changing climate? Do you want to build your confidence explaining why nuclear isn’t the answer to climate change, and meet like-minded campaigners while you're at it? If you answered yes to any of the above, this training session is for you!
This training session will help build your understanding about nuclear power technologies, the limitations, and the growing risks of nuclear power in a changing climate. The session is designed to help understand the current issues and debates and to help build your confidence in talking about why nuclear power is not the solution to climate change.
Join Dr Jim Green from Friends of the Earth Australia and CCWA nuclear free campaigners, on the 36th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, for our first nuclear power and climate change session for 2022. There will be a presentation by Jim, a Q&A session, and some break out session role play to help build confidence on talking about nuclear power. You don't need to be a nuclear physicist to understand the risks.